Chapter 5

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When they arrived at the compound, the rest of the Avengers were very worried, especially since they had brought three new people. 

"Who are they and what are they doing here?" Natasha asked suspiciously.

"They weren't giving us any information, they made Peter snap and have a panic attack, plus, this is Peter's idea," Leia proudly said.

Nat wiped a fake tear dramatically, "They grow up so fast,"

"Yeah, yeah, could the rest of you come for the interrogation?"

They all went to the basement and tied their hosts in a chair, making sure that they didn't have a possibility of escaping. 

"Spit it all out," Tony said.

But they decided to take it literally and spit on Tony's shoes. Everyone gasped, as tension grew in the room. 

"Nobody spits on Mr Stark, nobody!" Peter shouted.

Peter, Leia and Pepper slapped the face of each of the Millers. Tony had to quickly wipe a tear that had fallen from his eyes, when he saw that people cared for him. 

"You aren't leaving this basement until you tell us who you work for and what you want from Leia," Steve spoke up.

The Miller boy whimpered. He wanted to get out from there. He knew about the plan that his parents weren't talking about. He was about to do something that he knew he would regret.

"My parents work for Hydra," he whispered.

"And your name is?" Peter asked.

"David Miller," David whispered again.

"What is he saying?" Clint asked, he probably forgot to put his hearing aids.

"His name is David Miller and his parents work for Hydra," Peter told the rest of the team. He had used his enhanced hearing.

"WHAT?!" Bucky shouted.

"They are from Hydra," Steve growled.

"I know that! I was hoping that you wouldn't be the same Millers that worked at Hydra, brainwashing me and all! But here you are, defenceless, AND I'M GONNA BEAT THE LIFE OUT OF YOU!"

Steve grabbed Bucky, stopping him from killing them.

"BUCKY! Calm down!"

"NO! I'm going to KILL them!"

"We need them for questioning, and then we'll send them to the Raft, okay?"

"But I'll break each of their noses first!"


After the old men finished quarrelling, they went back to asking questions.

"Why did you kidnap me?" Leia was asking now.

"So that your father would come to save you,"


"To control his brain and cause chaos on this planet,"

"And did it work?"

"Yes, better than expected,"

Leia was shocked. Tears escaped her eyes as she started to shake. Peter embraced her, whispering in her ear,

"We can continue later, okay?"

She nodded.

"Can we continue later?" he asked his team, they all nodded in return. 

"You three are staying here supervised," Tony pointed at the Miller family.

They all went upstairs, sitting wherever there was space. Peter sat on the floor with Leia on top of him, not letting go of his arm. 

They stayed in silence before Tony decided to break it.

"Leia, you are going to go to Peter's school,"

"What?!" both the teens shouted.

"Yes, you are starting tomorrow, you need a full education, being Asgardian or not,"

Leia looked at her uncle for support but he just shrugged and continued eating his pop-tarts. 

"Fine, but am I able to use my powers?"

"If preferable don't,"

"Okay, but if someone gets on my nerves, don't blame me!"

Peter's face paled at this. Would Flash annoy Leia? He probably would. Then she would question him about Flash and...


The scream had brought him back to reality.

"Breathe with me okay? In and out, here feel it," Leia grabbed his hand and held it to her chest, taking deep breaths for Peter's sake. She didn't stop until his breathing went back to normal.

"Thank Odin you're okay! What happened? Your mind was a mess!"

"You looked into my mind? Haven't you heard about privacy?!" he shouted to her.

"I was worried okay! I was worried about you!" she shouted back as she ran to her room, closing the door with a loud BANG

Peter had guilt written all over his face.

"If I were you, I would go and try to talk to her," Natasha told him.

He stood up and slowly made his way to her room. He knocked and a faint come in reached his ears.

"Look, I'm sorry. I was just worried and-"

"I understand why you looked in my mind. Just, next time please tell me before you do so,"

"Okay, but what if you don't answer?"

"Then I give you permission to do so, but don't tell anyone what you see, okay?" she giggled in reply. 

She stood up, closing the door with a lock with her magic. She made her way to Peter and smashed her lips into his. The impact made Peter smash into the wall, but this was to good to complain.

The Avengers heard a BANG coming from Leia's room. Either things had become violent between the teenagers or someone was trying to kidnap them. They ran as fast as possible to her room.

"It's locked!" Tony worriedly said.

"Let me try,"

Steve smashed the door open, just to find Leia and Peter kissing. He stumbled back, letting the rest of his team mates in. 

Leia's hands were in Peter's hair and Peter's hands were holding Leia's waist close to his. 

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" Tony shouted, making them all jump.

"LANGUAGE!" Steve shouted from behind.

The teens had jumped apart and were blushing madly. 

"We can explain!" Peter tried to calm his father figure.

"No! We heard a bang, and we come here thinking you are both in danger! And we smash the door down to find you both snogging!"


"No buts young man! You are grounded!"

"That's not fair!" Leia jumped into the conversation.

"Why is that?"

"Because he didn't kiss me, I kissed him!"

"I don't care! You were both visibly enjoying it!"

"You can't punish love," Wanda calmly stood up for her new sister.

"She has a point, you love who you love and nobody can change that," Clint also joined.

"Do you love each other?" Steve asked.

The two teens nodded their heads furiously.

"Then it's settled, there is no punishment," Natasha concluded. 

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