Chapter 8

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Tony's POV

I made Peter and Leia stay instead of going back to school. They deserved a bit of time out, and to prepare for tomorrow. While the whole team was watching a movie, I went back to my lab.

I was going to make Leia and Peter some sunglasses like mine, with their own AI included. It would help them a lot, especially to divert the attention they would be gaining. 

When I finished only Leia, Peter and Clint were left. The three of them had fallen asleep. 

"Bird-brain wake up," I whisper-shouted in his ear.

"Ugh!" was all he replied. I left with Clint following me, leaving the young couple to rest.

Peter's POV

I was woken up by a very annoying beeping.

"Let me sleep!" I kinda shouted at the beeping noise thing. I must have moved by doing so, cuz I fell hard on the ground, finally waking up.

I heard someone giggling next to me. 

"Oh no you won't!" I warned Leia, but she just giggled louder. 

I tackled her to the ground and then tickled her non-stop. 

"Please! Peter... Stop!" she laughed. 

But her laugh was too good to make it stop. I tickled her until Dad rushed in.

"Come on! You'll be late for school!"

Oh shit! Just what I needed. More attention.

I stopped tickling Leia and helped her up. We quickly changed clothes and grabbed a toast.

"Bye Dad! See you later!"

"Bye Tony!"

"Wait a moment kids!"

"What's wrong?" I frowned.

"Last night I went to my lab. I created two sunglasses like mine, each with their own AI. You know, to help you with the paparazzi and cuz I felt like it,"

I ran to him and hugged him as tightly as possible. I love this man.

"I... can't... breathe!"

"Oops, sorry Dad," I could feel my face going red.

"Thanks Tony, they'll be very useful. But we still have to go to school," 

We grabbed our own sunglasses and entered the car. Happy greeted us with the usual grunt.

Leia's POV

Before I stepped out of the car, I put the sunglasses on.

"Hello Leia, I'm your new AI,"

"Hello. Can I name you?"

"Yes, what would you like to name me?"

"I'll call you Heimdall. Just like the real one,"

"That's a nice name, thanks,"

"Okay, bye!"


I looked at Peter who had done the same with his AI.

"What have you called yours?" I was very curious.

"I named her Karen,"

"Cool, mine's called Heimdall,"

"Okay, lets go to school,"

None of us took the glasses off, which was a very good idea. Just as we stepped out of the car, cameras started to flash everywhere and microphones made their way to our faces.

I held Peter's hand and squeezed it, he squeezed it back. 

I tried to make my way to the building, but that was a complete fail.

"I'm getting dizzy, I'm getting a sense overload," Peter's weak voice muttered in my ear.

"Be strong,"

I used my magic to create a green bubble around us, not letting anything get near us. 

"Thanks, I'm very lucky to have you,"

I smiled at him, letting him know the same. We successfully made our way to our lockers. 

"Have you seen all those people outside?" Ned asked a very dumb question.

"Ned, use your brain, if you have one. Of course they've seen them!" MJ snapped at him, still reading her book.

I tapped the side of my glasses.

"Hello Leia,"

"Hi Heimdall. Could you please tell me Peter's health level {idk how its called} please?"

"His stress level is 87% and his panic attack is 94% I would recommend you to do something,"

"Okay thanks,"

I looked back at Peter, taking the glasses from his face. After I was able to calm him down we went to our lesson. We were very late.

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