Chapter 7

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Here's another chappie everyone! I'm really in a writing mood, besides I cannot sleep. :( Anyways, enjoy! Love you all! Mwahhhhh! Xxxx


I decided Zayn needed time to cool off. It was his day off today and I was really upset that we probably wouldn't be spending it together. I grabbed my laptop out of my suitcase and walked over to the sofa. I opened it and logged out of Zayn's twitter and on to my own. I noticed Zayn had tweeted. 

@zaynmalik: i'm so sick of u and your stupid drama. this may be the end. 

I felt the tears coming to my eyes, and I went to my mentions. A lot of hate was pouring in. Things like:

sophiehoran: @LittleMixOffic Perrie you are a stupid bitch and obviously Zayn doesn't love you. Go die or I'll come kill you myself. 

larrystylinson32: @LittleMixOffic Perrie I wanna kill u so bad u hurt my husband

I decided it would be best if I just shut the computer and imagine none of this was happening, but I couldn't, so I decided to tweet. 

@LittleMixOffic: Stop tweeting me that you want me to die. It isn't needed. I didn't do anything wrong.Thank you! Perrie <3

"You want to go do something or are you just going to sit there on the computer?" Zayn asked, narrowing his eyes at me. I sighed. 

"No." Was all I said. I felt really guilty for assuming the worst in Zayn, and I also didn't really want to go out in public with fans incredibly mad at me. 

"Fine." Zayn left and I groaned. I didn't want this to be the end of us. I loved Zayn so much and it really hurt me when he was mad at me. Especially this mad. I buried my face in the sofa pillow and began to sob. My whole body was shaking. Just the thought of Zayn leaving me really hurt me, and I couldn't stand the pain that he was causing me. 

I heard the door open and Zayn was back. 

"Perrie, make sure you're ready by 8:00, I forgot that all of us are going for a late dinner." Zayn said and noticed that I was crying. He didn't say anything, he just let out a long sigh and then left again. 


I spent the whole day being lazy around the hotel room, watching the telly and ordering room service. Liam, Danielle, Louis and Eleanor were all out shopping, Niall and Harry were out getting to know the city, and Zayn was out doing god knows what. 

By the time 7:45 rolled around, I was ready to go. I was dressed in a grey colored dress and black boots. I grabbed my grey coat with leather under-sleeves and I waited for a text message from Zayn.  One popped up on my screen a couple moments later. 

From Zayn: 

Per, I'm outside. Be careful, there are a few fans in the lobby. 

I replied with a simple, 'Okay' and I made my way down to the lobby. When Zayn said there were a few fans I thought that he meant 5 or 6, but as soon as I got down I realized he meant there were 20 or 30. I tried to push through them without them hurting me, but it wasn't as easy as I thought. A lot of the girls were shouting really hurtful things at me, and I was getting really scared. One girl grabbed my arm and squeezed really tightly. 

"Woah, get off of me!" I shouted at her, and saw that several people were video taping it. People were going to manipulate this and make it seem like I was the bad person. That's when I felt soemone wrap their arm around my waist. 

"Get off of her. If you touch her again I'll be sure to get a restraining order." Zayn held me tightly and we walked out. As soon as we got into the taxi that was waiting out front I looked over at him.

"Thank you, Zayn." I said, brushing my hand against his. He forced a smile. 

"Yeah, no problem." 

He was dressed in a white t-shirt, black pants and a navy winter jacket. He looked very fit. The rest of the ride there we didn't speak, but I almost preferred it that way. 

When we reached the restaraunt, the papparazzi were swarming us. Zayn grabbed my hand tightly and I forced a smile. The papps needed to know I was happy. We went inside and everyone else was already there. 

"Hello you two." Danielle smiled at us, and everyone grinned. 

"Aw, you two are so cute." Eleanor giggled, and I noticed Niall rolling his eyes. God, he had to get over me. Zayn and I sat near the end of the table, close to where Harry and Niall were sat. 

The night was overall lovely. We chatted lots and it seemed as though Zayn and I were fine again, that was until we got in the taxi to go back to the hotel. 

"I don't really want you coming to the show tomorrow night. I think it's best that you fly home tomorrow morning." Zayn muttered, looking out the window. I gasped, and my heart sunk.

"W-What? Why?" I felt tears pricking my eyes. 

"Just do it, Perrie. It's what best right now. I think we need some time apart." 

"Are you breaking up with me?" I asked, shocked.

"No, I just think we need to not be with each other 24/7, it may help our relationship." Zayn put his hand on my thigh. "Trust me, you mean the world to me babe, and I truly believe that this will be what's best for us. I'll be back home in a couple of weeks to celebrate your birthday. Besides, I'm sure your mum misses you, and Hatchi, and the girls!" Zayn said, and he really did have a good point. I sighed loudly. 

"Alright." Was all that I said. I was really upset and I didn't want Zayn to see it. I just wanted to cuddle up with Hatchi in Zayn and my bed and watch a sad film while eating ice cream. But I had to make it through the night, first. 

Worth The Pain (A Zerrie Fanfiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin