Chapter 18

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Sorry that this took so long to post. Here's the next part. Xx


I made Zayn ring up Savanna, although it was extremely weird and I was not a complete fan of her, she was pregnant and she needed to know who the dad was. Their conversation was short, but sweet. He told her to go get a paternity test to prove that the baby was his, and she said it was too early in the pregnancy. I knew it was too, so I had just told Zayn to wait and relax. He would prove that the baby wasn't his, because apparently they hadn't ever had sex. 

"What if she finds some weird, messed up way to prove that it's mine, and it gets all over the tabloids? I can see it now, 'Zayn knocks up American girl and cheats on Perrie'." 

I cringed, I hated the rumors of him cheating on me, because at one point I really had believed that he was. I was so desperately trying to move forward but it was just so hard. Zayn meant everything to me, and to lose him, would kill me. 

 "She won't. If you promise that you haven't slept wit her, than it's impossible for her to prove that the baby is yours. I promise." I grabbed Zayn's hand and squeezed it tightly. I looked into his eyes and a smile spread across his lips. 

"I love you, Perrie." Zayn pressed his lips to my cheek, and then my lips. His lips were dry and chapped, but it didn't bother me. I was just happy that he was mine. 


I spent the rest of the day with the girls from Little Mix, shopping and going out for lunch. 

"Pez, did Zayn end up telling you what the deal was with Savanna?" Jesy asked as she put a spoonful of food into her mouth. I nodded.

"Yeah, she's pregnant and it isn't his. They didn't have sex, and I am trusting him." I sipped at my water, and the girls stared at me. "What? I believe him." I said, looking down at the ice in my drink, swirling it around with my straw. 

"Well, you know what's best Perrie, and we will stand by you no matter what." Jade nudged me with her shoulder and I smiled.

"Thank you, girls." I looked at them all, and we shared a nice moment, which was soon spoiled by the instant pain in my stomach. I was going to be sick. 

I stood up from the booth and ran to the rest room. I got sick three times, and when I stood up, I felt dizzy. What the hell? Must have been some kind of bug. I rinsed out my mouth and made my way back to the table. 

"Sorry, I don't really know what's wrong with me. That came out of nowhere." I sat back down and the girls all looked at me with wide eyes. 

"Morning sickness aye Perrie?" Leigh wiggled her eyebrows, and I flicked water at her. 

"Shut up! I'm not pregnant." I shook my head and giggled at the thought. Me, pregnant? Absolutely not. Neither Zayn or I were ready for that step, but the thought didn't really hurt. Seeing Zayn with our baby would be a lovely sight. But not a sight anytime soon! 

"Ready to leave?" Jade asked, and we all nodded. I had assumed the girls had paid while I was throwing my lungs up in the bathroom. 


"How was your day?" Zayn asked, as he took his shirt off and prepped for bed. I sat down on the bed, and looked over at him. 

"I got sick at lunch, but other than that I had a good day." I climbed under the covers and Zayn climbed in beside me. 

"You got sick? Why?" Zayn scrolled through his Twitter mentions on his mobile, almost like he didn't care what I had to say. 

"I don't know, it just came out of nowhere." I sighed, and scooted closer to him and rested my head on his chest. His arm was in a weird position, so he moved it and wrapped it behind my back. He put his mobile away, and kissed my head. 

"Well, if it continues we can take you to the doctor okay? I don't want you getting sick. It's scary." He said in a soft voice. 

I ran my fingers up and down his chest, tracing his tattoos and giving him goosebumps. 

"I'm tired." I yawned, and Zayn huffed in agreement. 

"Me too, let's sleep okay?" Zayn mumbled, and I pressed my lips to his bare chest. Zayn turned off the light and we both fell into a deep sleep. 

That deep sleep was soon disrupted by my stomach churning, and I quickly made a mad dash to the washroom. 

"Perrie?" Zayn asked, his voice scratchy due to his half slumbering state. "Are you okay?" 

"I'm fine!" I called back, releasing the rest of the contents of my stomach into the toilet bowl. I brushed my teeth, and walked back into the bedroom. I got comfortable again, and whispered to Zayn.

"Zayn.. Do you think I could be pregnant?" 


Okay so sorry it was so short!! :( I will update again soon, I have just been very busy lately! Love you all and thank you for reading. Xxxx

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