Chapter 15

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Problem solved woohoo! Xx


"Where are you going?" I grumbled when I woke up to the sound of Zayn's footsteps.

"To the restroom." He said flatly, and I knew he was still angry with me. He had every right to be. I had slept with his best friend the day that we had broken up, and I felt horrible. I just wanted all of this to end and for Zayn and I to be happy once again, but I wasn't sure how that was going to happen since he hated my guts right now.

I felt my mobile vibrate beside me on the bed and it read that Niall was ringing me. I sighed, and answered,

"Now's not the best time, Ni." I let out a loud breath and so did he.

"Why would you tell him?" He asked.

"Erm, how did you know?"

"His tweets."


"What did they say?" I asked biting my lip.

"Look for yourself, Per. I just really hope that you didn't fuck everything up by telling him." Niall hung up the phone and I sucked back my tears. I quickly went onto Twitter and read both of Zayn's tweets.

@zaynmalik: betrayed, yea that's a good word for it. x

@zaynmalik: it's hard sometimes when the ones you love most hurt you the hardest. x

I tried my hardest not to cry, as I looked through my mentions and people were bashing me, threatening to kill me for hurting their 'world'.

Zayn exited the rest room and he saw me staring at my mobile. I looked up at him and he sighed.

"Babe, I'm sorry. I was frustrated."

He walked over to me and sat beside me on the bed. I put my head on his shoulder.

"Niall called me, he's really angry with me." I mumbled and Zayn lifted up my chin to face him.

"Fuck him, Perrie. Why worry about what he thinks when you have me here? I love you so much and I am not going to let his destroy our relationship, because you just mean too damn much to me. Yes, you fucked up, but we both have. Lets just move past this and love each other, alright?"

I smiled and I couldn't help but press my lips onto his. He was so perfect to me.

"Lets go out, yeah?" He suggested and I nodded.

"Yes! Just let me go get ready." I grabbed my makeup bag and curling wand and made my way into the washroom.

Zayn's POV:

I really loved Perrie, and I needed this relationship to work. She truly was the one that I wanted to marry at the end of all of this.

I felt my mobile vibrate in my hand so I glanced down and saw a text message from Savanna.

Savanna: Are you okay babe? I've just seen your tweets. I'm on an airplane right now to see you! X

I groaned, was she serious? I did not need nor want to see her at this point. I never wanted to see her again. I also received another message from Niall.

Niall: I am so sorry mate! I have no idea what came over me and I am so sorry!!

I didn't reply to either of them, I just waited patiently for Perrie to exit the rest room.

When she did, my jaw dropped. She looked stunning. I knew she was trying extra hard just because our relationship was so rocky right now, but I didn't mind it at all. I immediately walked over to her, pushed her roughly up against the wall and pushed my lips to hers. She was wearing red lipstick, and I laughed mentally picturing my face after this.

Perrie tangled her fingers into my hair has our kiss got more intense, and I heard her moan quietly. I knew she needed something, but it was the beginning of the day! And normally I'd love to take Perrie right then and there, but we had two weeks to do that. Right now I wanted to spend time with her, fully clothed and in public. Fans needed to see that we were alright.

Perrie's POV:

Zayn pulled away from me and I laughed, seeing the lipstick on his face. I tried to wipe it off the best that I could, and then grabbed Zayn's hand.

"Where are we going to go?" I asked Zayn, and he squeezed my hand gently.

"Lets go shop, you can't go wrong with that." He smiled and I giggled. He had a very good point.

We made our way down to the lobby and saw a couple of fans notice us, we smiled at them and got into our taxi.

When we arrived at the shopping centre, people were stood outside preparing to take photos. I didn't mind it today, only because I was sure both my Mixers and Zayn's Directioners probably thought we had broken up. Zayn held my hand as we walked inside.

I noticed him pulling his mobile out of his pocket, and as I glanced over I noticed that he had received a snap chat from Niall. He opened it and I saw his eyes widen as he quickly took a screenshot.

"What's wrong babe?" I asked, and Zayn showed me the photo. It was Niall and Savanna taking a selfie, and the caption read.

"Look who came to visit"

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