Chapter 9

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So sorry for the delay in posts, I've been quite busy with Uni! But here is another chappie, enjoy! Xxxx


About 2 weeks had gone by, and the boys would be coming home tomorrow, which was a Saturday. Zayn had been sending me text every day, and ringing me often but I never answered. I didn't want to speak to him until he got home. I was upset, Katherine had gone back home to Newcastle, my mam was at home as well, and Hatchi had the flu. And to top it all off my birthday was on Monday. Turning 21 terrified me.

I was sitting at Jade's flat she shared with Sam, holding my sick puppy in my arms when I saw my mobile go off. It was a text from Niall, so I decided to read it.

'Perrie! Zayn is coming home erly so I just wanted to warn you, he wantd it to be a surprise but I know how you hate surprises so ya..'

I thought the text was very random, and I wondered why Niall would even bother telling me that. I just replied with a simple 'thank you ni' and put my mobile away.

"Perrie, you don't look well. Are you sure you're okay?" Jade asked entering the room with Sam. Sam kissed Jade's cheek and sadness instantly washed over me. Sam was so affectionate towards Jade and it made me extremely jealous. Zayn and I used to be that way.. What went wrong?

"I'm honestly fine, Jade. Just nervous for Zayn to come home." I sighed, and stood up, picking up Hatchi and my bag. "I should head back to my flat and clean up a bit before Zayn gets here." I said and Jade nodded.

"Alright, Pez. Just ring me if you need something okay?" Jade hugged me gently and gave Hatchi a kiss. I nodded and waved a goodbye to Sam.


I didn't realize I had fallen asleep on the sofa until I felt a peck on my cheek. I opened my eyes quickly, startled.

"Sorry, babe. I wanted to surprise you." Zayn smiled widely and I sighed.

"Oh, lovely." I stood up from the sofa and began walking up to our bedroom. Zayn frowned, but didn't say anything as he followed me up the stairs. I silently climbed into our bed, pulling the covers over top of me.

"Per, what's wrong?" Zayn asked, climbing in beside me. I ignored him and squeezed my eyes shut, hoping he'd take the hint and leave me alone, but of course that's not what happened. He put his hand on my shoulder and squeezed gently.

"I don't see why you're ignoring me, if anything I should be the one ignoring you." He huffed, and I sprung up out of bed.

"Excuse you?!" I nearly shouted. "What the hell Zayn?!"

He sat up in bed and I grabbed a blanket from the closet.

"That's it, I'm sleeping in the spiare room." I began to walk away angrily.

"Perrie fucking Edwards!!" He yelled at me, which caused me to stop dead in my tracks. He terrified me when he was like this.

"What?" I said flatly, not bothering to turn around to face him. He didn't even deserve that much.

"God damn it Perrie, look at me!" Zayn got up out of our bed and made his way over to me. He grabbed my arm and made me turn around to face him. "Why have you been ignoring me, baby?" He asked, his expression changed from anger to sadness. I sighed.

"Is saying 'Savanna' a good enough reason?" I asked, trying my absolute hardest not to cry. Clearly trying my hardest wasn't good enough when I felt the warm tears begin to fall down my cheeks.

"Really? Again with the Savanna thing? I told you she means nothing to me and we are just friends." Zayn rolled his eyes.

"How dare you look your girlfriend in the eye and tell her one of the biggest lies someone can say? I ringed you when I got here, you know, when you put me on a plane and sent me here? Guess who answered the phone. Yeah. Not you. Savanna said the most vile things to me, and THAT'S why I've been ignoring you, Zayn Malik." When I was done my rant I noticed that I was yelling. Zayn opened his mouth to talk but I cut him off. "No, don't even bother. We can discuss this in the morning." I turned to walk into the guest room, and I heard Zayn call Hatchi up onto the bed. Looks like it was a lonely night for me.


I woke up to the sound of thumping and banging downstairs. I rolled over, wishing Zayn was there beside me. I just wanted all of this to be over with, but it wasn't so easy since he was most likely sleeping around on me. I groaned, remembering I had to be up and out of the door by noon because we were beginning recording for our second album. I looked over at the clock and it read 9:34 am. I had plenty of time. I rolled out of bed, which was not the comfiest bed ever, and I made my way downstairs. I smelled bacon, and I was in heaven.

That's when I saw Zayn in the kitchen cooking. Our dining room table was set and there were a couple of candles lit.

"Ehm, Zayn? What's all this?" I asked, walking up to him in the kitchen. He turned around to face me.

"Oh, good morning baby. I did this to show you how much you do mean to me, and how if I really were cheating on you, I'd probably be off doing something else right now."

"We'll that's comforting." I said sarcastically. He chuckled.

"What I mean is, Perrie Louise Edwards, you are not only my girlfriend, but the love of my life. I would never ever hurt you. Savanna is just a friend of the bands now, and she just so happens to have a huge, weird, crush on me. I love you so much, Per. Please forgive me." He put on a puppy dog pout and I sighed.

"Fine, Zayn. But I'm trusting you, okay? If you do one more thing, or if I even see one more thing in the tabloids to break this trust then I will not hesitate to leave and find my own place. Understood?" I looked him dead in the eyes and he nodded.

"Thank you, Perrie." He wrapped his arms around my waist and pushed his lips to mine. God, how I missed his lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck and gripped my fingers in his hair. His hands moved down to my bum and gave it a gentle squeeze. Just as I began taking his jumper off, we heard the fire alarm start to widely beep. Zayn quickly turned around and we both watched our bacon burning.

"Throw it in the sink!" I yelled, scared it would catch on fire. Zayn did as I said and threw the pot into the sink. I began laughing uncontrollably, and Zayn did also. He grabbed my waist and winked at me.

"Let's go upstairs, babe."


Ok so what do you think, guys? Do you think Perrie should trust Zayn or do you think he is actually cheating on her?

Leave your thoughts below. Xxx

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