Chapter 13

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Okay, I won't be adding a new story until this one is either completed or almost completed, which won't be for a very long time! Xxx

note: Perrie's birthday pressie on the side --->



        Zayn didn't say anything as we walked inside, he just looked at the ground and walked past me. I knew he wasn't here for me, he was most likely here because the other boys told him it would look bad in the media if he didn't come with the rest of the band. 

I sighed and folded my arms across my chest. 

"Thank you for coming!" I forced a smile at the 5 lads and they all took their turns giving me a hug and wishing me a happy birthday, all of them except for Zayn. I hadn't told my family or even Katherine about what had been happening between Zayn and I, because I figured it would all sort itself out soon enough. Boy I was wrong. 

"Dinner's ready!" Jade sang from the kitchen, and the group of us all made our way into the dining room. I sat at the head of the table and everyone sat down as well.

"So, before we eat I would just like to make a toast." Jade stood up, holding her champagne glass. "Here's to an amazing 21st birthday, to an amazing girl. Happy birthday Perrie!" 

I couldn't help but smile as I clinked glasses with everyone at the table, including Zayn. 

The dinner was delicious, and I had seconds. I hadn't had a true home cooked meal in such a long time, and I was a very happy girl.

"So Perrie, we have decided to all pitch in to buy you a gift." Niall smiled, and all the boys from the band stood up, as well as my family and Katherine. 

"Oh god, no. You shouldn't have!" I said, blushing deeply. My mam grabbed my arm.

"You're going to love it, baba." She smiled and we walked outside. I was so confused as to why my gift was outside, and that's when I saw it. 

A baby blue bentley was sitting in my driveway, and I screamed.

"Oh, my god!!" I ran to it and admired it. My jaw was wide and I began to cry. "Thank you, SO much!" I screached. I only recently got my drivers liscense, but Zayn never let me drive his car, and I was not interested in getting my own. "It's perfect, thank you!!" I made my rounds, hugging them all, and it ended in an uncomfortable hug from Zayn. 


"Thank you so much for coming." I hugged my brother, mam and sister goodbye. "I love you!" I called to them as they hopped into their taxi. 

 I closed the front door and turned around to face the remaining people here. 

"It's late, you all can stay here for the night if you'd like." I said, making my way towards the living area, and I plopped onto Jade's lap. 

"I will take you up on that." Harry laughed, and Liam piped in. 

"Me as well! I'm going to crash." 

"Alright, well I have three guest rooms, so help yourself!" I smiled and the girls all stood up. 

"Well we called a taxi, if you guys would like to come with us." Leigh said, picking up her bag. Louis was the only one who took them up on the offer, and pretty soon everyone had left except Liam, Harry, Niall, Zayn and myself. 

"Well boys, the guest rooms are all upstairs. I've had a very long day so I'm heading to bed now." I smiled at the boys and they all smiled back.

"Goodnight Per." Niall said, and gave me a wink. I sighed, and went upstairs to my bedroom. 


I woke up to the sound of my bedroom door opening and closing. I didn't move, and made it seem as though I was still sleeping. I thought if I were to do that, whoever was in my room would just turn around and leave. Boy, was I wrong. I felt the bed dip as someone was lying beside me. I gulped, and felt the person climb under the blankets. Shit shit shit. Please, for the love of god don't be Niall. 

"I just can't stay away from you." I felt warm breath on my neck. Goosebumps covered my arms and I rolled over to see Zayn smiling at me. He smelt like cigarettes and beer. The scent I had missed, even though it hadn't even been a day yet of him being gone. 

"So you're coming back?" I asked, hopeful. But to my surprise, Zayn shook his head. My heart sunk.

"I can't yet, Perrie. We still need a break, especially from the media. I can't take hearing about my life from them anymore. I can't imagine how it has been affecting you." 

He was right, the media was the main reason I believed that Zayn had cheated on me, so maybe Zayn knew what he was talking about. Something came over me, and I grabbed Zayn's face and pushed my lips onto his. He kissed me back, frantic and needing. I needed him, every single part of him. 


"Zayn? Perrie?" I heard Niall's voice coming from the hallway. I glanced over at the clock which read 10:34 am. Then I turned to look at Zayn who was still fast asleep. His bare chest slowly moving up and down with each breath that he took. My mind flashed back to the previous night, Zayn and I making love again. We needed it, desperately. I couldn't help but feel disgusted with myself, though. I had just slept with Niall and I felt like such a slut for doing what I did. 

I grabbed a bath robe and put it on, and I made my way out to the hallway. 

"Need something, Niall?" I asked, covering my arms over my body. Niall was only wearing sweatpants, and I sighed. I was so physically attracted to Zayn, but I truly felt a different connection with Niall. I felt an emotional and physical connection. 

"Yeah, babe. I need a towel so I can hop in the shower." Niall began opening closets and drawers trying to find the towels. 

"They are in my bedroom, I'll grab you one." I said, opening my bedroom door and quietly grabbing Niall a towel. I walked back out and handed it to him. "Here you go." 

"Thanks, Per." Niall swiftly kissed my cheek, and I blushed. I hated that Niall had that effect on me. "By the way, did Zayn leave last night? Cos I couldn't find him anywhere." 

"No, he's in my bedroom." I said, in a very hushed voice. Niall looked disapointed as he looked at the ground. 

"Oh." He let out a loud sigh and opened the bathroom door, and slammed it shut. 

"What the hell was that?" I heard Harry yell from one of the guest rooms. 

"Niall being a baby!" I called back, and Harry laughed.


I shook my head, and walked back into my room. Zayn was putting on a pair of pajama pants that he had in the drawer. 

"What was that?" He asked, and I didn't respond. "Perrie?" He urged and I still did not reply. I just sat down on the bed and stared at the wall. "Are you okay?" Zayn waved his hand infront of my face, trying to get my attention. 

"I'm fine." I said, and I felt tears pricking my eyes. I was so unhappy, and I wanted Zayn to just sweep me off my feet and make me happy again. I wanted him to make me forget all of the pain that I was feeling in my heart and make me feel nothing but love for him. But I knew he wasn't capable of doing that anymore. Not after everything we have been through.

"That's a lie, Perrie. Tell me what's going on." He sat beside me and put his hand on my leg. 

"I need to get out of here." I said, not so much referring to our flat, but to England. I needed to leave England. 

"Let's go, then." 


okay everyone!  thank you so much for reading! what do you think will happen next? will zayn make perrie happy again? or will niall ruin everything that zayn and perrie once had? also, where will zayn and perrie go? :) Xxx

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