Anger does not suit me

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No words could have described the pain and anger I felt that day. I can't wish for my friends to get better, and I can't even wish for my friend to come back. I just want to be happy. Is that too much to ask? But then it accrued to me... Lizzy's dad was able to make a horse with magic. So, if there's magic to making a horse is there magic to heal people? I had to know. There was only one person I could ask though. Bobby a.k.a. Lizzy's dad.

Last time that I heard of Bobby he was in jail. He did kidnap and put children to work. I had to keep it a secret from my dad that I was going to visit a felon because I totally knew he would freak. My dad gave me a butt ton of money so I could call so many Ubers. I had to venture to the local prison in my town. It was poorly run and poorly built. Sometimes prisoners would escape. It wasn't safe. When I got to the doors of the prison, there was an old guard that looked to be 89 and said I couldn't come in because I was too young. I then told him I was 23 and had a rare condition where I grew slow... and the old guard man believed it.

When I got inside, I heard a lot of yelling and screaming. I only saw two guards while walking in the prison. I went to the visitor center and asked the other police guards to bring in Bobby. Come to think of it, I would expect a sign on the sheet or something, but no. When Bobby arrived, I saw a lot of scratches and it looked like he'd been cut with glass. I then said hi to Bobby in a mean manner. Bobby asked why I was here, and I told him I wanted to know where he found the magic books. He looked at me with a confused face. I made him remember all the things he did. Bobby then went to tell me the book shop where he originally purchased the book from closed. I couldn't even believe it. Every time I find a way to help my friends it just goes away. It's so unfair. Bobby then realizes how stressed out I was. He then says when the bookstore was still open, he bought a few other books, but he won't let me just use them. I then asked him why I couldn't just break into his house and find them. He then said because he hid them. Then he makes me a deal. A very scary deal. A deal that I shouldn't take. A deal to help him escape. I thought about this for a moment. If I were to help him, I would also be helping my friends. But if I help him escape, I'd be helping a man who not only kidnaped children but kidnaped my sister. It was a tough choice... but I chose to help him.

Bobby and I planned where I would ask the police officers if I could help with the prisoner's laundry. Bobby said I didn't have to worry about the police officers because they have an IQ of 69. When I got the laundry basket, I would put Bobby in it, and we would escape. It sounds super dumb. So, then the plan went into motion, and it worked.

I never realized how close Bobby lived to the prison because we seemed to get to his house quick. It being a year since the race and the whole unicorn battle, Bobby's house was still intact. He showed me a secret door in his house hidden by a bookcase. I wondered how many other secrets he had. Entering the secret room, I saw all sorts of things. I saw a potion which would make you bald... Bobby defiantly used that one. I saw one where if you got a unicorn's horn you would be able to bring someone back from the dead... I thought about it thinking I could bring back Lizzy, but I wouldn't hurt Sparkle Scallywag for that. I then saw a portion of healing. Bobby then gave me that potion to help Linda and Marlina. I didn't know how to thank him. This whole time I've been trying to help my friends and here is finally the answer! I looked up to Bobby and said thanks. I then also said sorry for the loss of his daughter, Lizzy. He didn't reply to that. I then said I had to go and left. I once again called an Uber to take me to the hospital.

When I reached the hospital, I went to Marlina first. I wanted Linda to be up when I helped her. Marlina was working on a little note-pad thing drawing something. I told her to drop whatever she was doing. She looked up at me with a confused face and I showed her the potion. Bobby did tell me I needed to pour this in a drink for this to work. I saw that Marlina had a coffee cup and I asked her if I could see it for a second. When she gave it to me, I poured the potion into it, but I made a mistake... I poured the whole potion into it. My body went stiff for a moment, but then I realized I could just go back to Bobby's house. I gave back Marlina's drink and told her to drink it. When she gulped it all down, I asked her if she felt better. Marlina quickly hopped out of bed and had the happiest smile on her face. I felt so relieved to finally have one of my friends back. I told Marlina to go to a doctor to make sure she was better. I would have done it myself, but I had to go back to Bobby's house.

When I reached Bobby's house, I saw that he had left his front door open. I went through his house, and it looked like he left in a rush. I saw that he also left the secret door wide open. When I went into the secret room everything was gone. I couldn't help Linda anymore. There was nothing I could do. 

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