Mission: Get Sparkle Scallywag

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No this can't be happening! Sparkle Scallywag gone!? Who could have done such a thing? Then it came to me. It was Katelyn and the strange man. Katelyn and the strange man took my horse, Sparkle Scallywag. No way was I going to let them get away with it. But then I had one issue... I don't know who they are. Then I came to me. Dad had to have Katelyn's phone number!

My dad was asleep so I couldn't wake him up, so I waited till morning. I didn't get any sleep the prior night because of Sparkle Scallywag's disappearance.

When I heard the alarm of my dad's phone go off for him to get up, I ran to my dad to ask him if he had gotten any messages from Katelyn. He said no. Katelyn totally dipped on him forever. I asked for her phone number, but dad said no. What the actual flip man? I begged and begged but he kept saying no and how it was her privacy to keep her phone number hidden from me. I thought to myself, wondering why my dad wouldn't trust me. Maybe because the one woman he has let into his life left him for a horse. Luckily, he didn't know that. My dad doesn't even know she left... has she left?

I knew I wasn't going to be able to get that number from my dad but what I did know was that I would be able to steal his phone and get the number for myself. I waited till he was making breakfast for himself, and my plan went into action. My dad always has his phone with him, so I knew I had to be extra careful with my plan. My plan was to wait for him to set it on the counter and take it. I made it seem more complicated than it was.

When I opened his phone, I saw that it had a passcode. Thank Snow Fairy Starlight it wasn't numbers or else I would be stuck. I thought maybe it would be my mom's name, so I put in Karla. Wrong. So, then I thought that it was my name, Sasha, because I'm so amazing. Wrong again. I put in Sally Wag's name just to make sure and... wrong once more. I kept putting in other words and phrases and still wrong. Then I knew the answer. It was his favorite restaurant "Guacamole Kweens." I slowly put it in and boom. Just like magic it worked.

I quickly went into his contacts to see if he had Katelyn in there. I didn't see the name Katelyn but what I did see was "Baby Boo Boo Bear Bubbas Above All Bubbas, My Queen and My Savior." I felt so bad for this man. I checked to see what her number was, but then I found something even better. I thought they dated early for this, but my dad had a phone tracker for her. Good thing though was that she never took the phone tracker off! It seemed too easy too easy...

I looked at where the location was and saw that she was in a building far off in a close city. I never imagined Sparkle Scallywag to be in a building, but here she was. I returned dad's phone back to the counter without him noticing. I quickly called for another Uber and told my dad I'm heading out to go to the hospital.

It took about 40 minutes to get to my destination, but when I arrived, I saw a massive building. It was the biggest building ever. There was a sign above the doors saying F.A.R.T. I then went to go and open the door and saw many people dressed in black suits holding files of sorts. I quickly hid behind a potted plant and watched to see if I could find Katelyn. Since everyone seemed to be really focused on their work no one noticed me. After about what felt like ages of wait, I finally saw Katelyn pass by with papers in her hand. I quickly ran out from behind the potted plant and went towards Katelyn, but I kept my distance so she wouldn't notice me.

She took some lefts and some rights, but after a while we started seeing fewer and less people. Katelyn then stopped at a door and pulled out a key card with her picture on it and scanned it to a scanner. I was so confused. What was this place? Who were these people? What did they want? When she opened the door, I saw an amazing creature. It was none other than Sparkle Scallywag. But I realized something was wrong... Sparkle Scallywag was unconscious. Sparkle Scallywag was defenseless.

I made sure to wait for Katelyn to leave before I could enter the room. When she left, I quickly got my hand between the door so it wouldn't lock. I walked in and saw a few filing cabinets, a work desk, and a computer. I looked at Sparkle Scallywag and how sad she looked... even though she was asleep and probably couldn't hear me, I talked to her. I wanted to make sure she felt safe and that I'd do anything for her. I had to know why they wanted Sparkle Scallywag and how they even knew where to look for Sparkle Scallywag.

I looked around the room trying to figure out where to start first. The desk had no papers and to my luck the computer had a password. Luckily, the cabinets had no locks, so I was able to open them. I grabbed the first paper I could get and to my surprise it was none other than the race I had with Twinkle Tots. It then occurred to me that since there were unicorns fighting why wouldn't they want to inspect?

I still needed to break out Sparkle Scallywag. I was getting more nervous with each passing second. I tried slapping Sparkle Scallywag, but she didn't budge. I didn't know what to do. I then poked Sparkle Scallywag in the eyes and that quickly woke her up. I told her we needed to get out stat. Sparkle Scallywag quickly got moving. I then opened the door and saw a tall man standing in front of me... to my surprise it was the strange man. 

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