the return

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Later that night blake was in his room thinking than he remembered she said she was going home. He sarted to panic remembering what her perents were like so he immediately turnd in to a bat and flew after her he manages to get to some point in the forest till he lost her tracks, he then saw lights and one of the hotels cars appeared. "Blake what are you doing out here?" Drac asked his son. "I dont care what the guest think. I am bpnot letting my zing go back to her horrid family." Be said with venom still mad at his dad.

Drac explaned why him and the others where there and blake said he will be joining then and isn't takeing nonas an awnser. They managed to fine one of jonnys shirt and tried to get Wayne to smell it but he called his kids and they started fighting each other. "Do any of your kids still respect you" drac asked. "Oh wait. WINNIE FRONT AND CENTRE!!!" Wayne shouted and the boy stopped fighting so she could pass. She smelled the shirt and told them where jonny and llilith was. Befor she left she ulled Blake's trousers leg he bent down to her level  "Please bring her back" winnie said "of course I will" Blake said.

After that they drove out the forest and black was lucky that he had a hood on his jacket. Drac wasn't so lucky. They then came across a monster festival, it was too packed to drive though so they had to walk. Frank saw drac burning and grabbed a green sombrero and put it on his head. Then murry thought of the idea to show every one that they were the real them so they did and it ended with all the Draculas being lined up so they could make a path with their capes covering the sun for drac and Blake. They both ran though the past and drac looked at his son and thought how proud he was that his son is doing all this for the woman he lived just like he would for Martha. They ended up at the edgy of the wood and they used their vampire vision to spot jonny and llilith in their seats so they both turned in to bats and flew to plane.

When they got to the window they found llilith asleep and that they couldn't undersand each other so drac when to the front of the plane while Blake stayed and that when llilith woke up and saw jonny was gone but when she looked she saw a bat in the window so she got her note book and wrote 'blake?' He nodded she smiled 'what are you doing here? The suns out.' He nodded his head in her direction. 'You came here for me?' He nodded with the biggest smile. She then saw the plane was turning around and jonny came and said "llilith were going back to the hotel!!" She smiled and looked back a Blake.

When they got off the plane jonny and llilith ran to the shade of the forest to meet drac and Blake when they did llilith immediately huged Blake he happily returned it while the others were catching up with jonny. Llilith then slapped him on the head "what were you thinking the sun's out you could have seriously gotten hurt?" He laughed and told her he would explain back at the hotel. They flew back and they all crashed into Mavis's room "dad? Blake?" She asked "we ok. Just a little sun burnt" drac sad reveiling them self from the smoke with burns. Drac then told Mavis how sorry he was and that there mother gave them her gift and if he could give her his. He then held up a pink and black back pack. "What that for?" She asked.
"Oh it come with an accessory"vdrac said reveling jonny.
"You?" She said.
"You" he said back.
"What are you doing here?"
"Could your my zing mavie"
"I'm your zing but you said you hated monsters"
Jonny then explained how he was scared of Dracula sucking all his blood out, and drac gave Mavis the Hawaii post card and her and jonny tred to kiss but drac interruped then left.

After they did kiss Mavis still looked sad. "What's wrong sis" Blake asked "Lilly's still not here."
"Who said" llilith said as she came out from hiding behind Blake Mavis looked and her then flung her self into a hug. "LILLY!!!" Mavis cheered.
"Hey she my zing mavis" blake said llilith looked shocked Mavis and jonny then left so Blake could explain.

"Llilith I known from the beginning that you were human, i knew by the fact that you had wounds if you were a vampire they would had been healed before you came to the hotel. I never cared that you were human you didn't treat us differently and I knew from the first time I layed eyes on you that I wanted to be with you enough that I will fly right in to the sun to go after you." He then pulled out the rings she gave him for his birthday and put his on and held the other out for her "llilith knight you have given me life and I asked you you be my zing?" She looked at him and the ring then started crying and said yes and put the ring on and kissed him passionately.

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