Fiery Cat Vs Icey Dog

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"Good going Snake now we're a point behind the other team." Dog complained.

"I apologize for my failure.Perhapsss you would like to tie our sscoresss." Snake said with a bow.

"You bet I do!" Dog said falling into Snake's hypnotic suggestion "And I know just who I'm going to challenge."

He jumped into the arena and pointed at Leo."Come face me!" He challenged him."Or are you just a scaredy cat?"

Leo jumped into the ring before anyone could stop him."I'm not afaid of you." He replied.

"Of course you are.All Cat's are afraid of dogs.And a lion is just a big cat!" Dog declared.

"So that's why you wanted to face me." Leo said angrily ."Well when I'm done with you,you'll be going back to your stand with your tail b/n your legs."

"Bring it!" Dog said and the battle b/n Cats and Dogs started.

For all you cat and dog lovers I advice you to look away b/c things could get ugly.On the other hand they could get pretty epic too.

Leo wasted no time with standard attacks.He entered his 'Flame Mane' mode and fire leaped around his mane and claws.He pounced at Dog like a wild animal.

Dog laughed."Fire,how cute.Another thing we are opposites at is our powers." He said as he activated his    'Ice Coat' mode.The atmosphere went chilly as ice went around his body.
He swung his arm and intercepted Leo's slash.Fire and Ice met turning to stream.The attacks cancelled out but steam blew at them.The steam blew Leo away several feet but Dog used his feet/paws to dig into the ground and stay put.

"Our powers seem to be evenly matched but while you have your claws to attack with I have my paws to help me stay put.At this rate you'll be blown of stage." Dog explained as he attacked.

Leo countered but every time their attacks met he was pushed back by the steam.Clearly brute power wasn't getting him anywhere.He thought 'what will Sag do?' as he tried to think of a plan.Soon one came to him.

He dug his claws on the ground and heated the arena floor with fire.

Dog realized his plan.Make ground hot so he is forced to jump and Leo could take him out of the arena with one strike."Nice try" Dog said as he sent his own wave of ice neutralizing Leo's fire.
Still Leo continued to send his energy into the ground.
"I could do this all day." Dog said as he approached Leo neutralizing the heat.

Leo smiled and abruptly stopped his output.Dog's energy overflowed and the arena's ground froze.

Before he realized what had happened Leo unleashed his full power at Dog in the form of a 'Fire Roar'. A torrent of flames shot from Leo's mouth and headed toward Dog's torso.

Dog blocked it with icey arms but the force pushed him back.He tried using his paws/claws to stay put but he slid on the ice he made.A trap of his own making engineered by Leo he realized as he struggled to resist.He just had to endure till Leo's energy ran out.

Leo was also being blown away by the reaction force of his attack.He dug his claws into the ice and skidded of the floor.He started to get close to the edge.
What's more he was running out of energy.

Dog felt the torrent weaken and smiled.Finally it died down.Now that Leo was out of energy it's time to take him out.But first why is the ice he was standing on not cold anymore.He looked down and realized he had skidded of the arena and was suspended on air.As the cartoon goes as soon as he looked down he fell down into the water.

Leo had also been blown of the arena but he had managed to hold on to the walls of the platform with his claws.He saw Dog falling into the water and said "Have a nice swim,doggy." He climbed up the platform just in time for the announcer to announce him winner.

He raised his fist towards the Zodiacs victorious.

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