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"Rats!We lost our lead." Leo complained.

"Our apologies." Sag said simply.She had underestimated her opponent.

"Gemeni." Gemini agreed.

"Fear not.It's still just a tie.We're still in the game."Libra told them encouragingly.

Back at the Signs stands the mood was reversed.

Ox couldn't belief Horse won.Sure he was wise and all but fighting really wasn't the old man's forte.Same deal with Tiger.Tiger was one to fuss about the craft.Despite his scar riddled looks he wasn't a fan of violence.He just blew his opponents away with wind which happened to be perfect for this kind of competition.

Well if weaker members were succeeding why not send another one.
"Your up." He told Rat as he tossed him into the ring.

Rat cursed his luck.He was no fighter either.His ability was more useful for escaping.But he had already entered into the ring.There was no avoiding it now.He just hoped the other team won't send someone strong.


"Well,I'm off." Libra said as she headed for the ring."

"Wait." Sag said stopping her."Look at the opponent.He doesn't seem so strong.
Wouldn't it better to let someone else take care of him and for you save yourself for a stronger one." She adviced.

Libra agreed but who to send.She turned her eyes to Cap.The brat that Virgo seemed to be talking so much about.He certainly seemed weak enough.

"I'll do it." Virgo said determined to her surprise.

"You sure?" Libra asked her.She knew Virgo hated to fight.She was a healer not a fighter.She mostly stayed in the background and supported the others.
Still having her fight someone weak now might be better than pitting her against a stronger opponent later.

"Yes,I want to do what I can for the team." Virgo said as she headed off and entered the arena.

Libra smiled.Virgo was alwsys so big-hearted.She was sure she could do it but couldn't help worry.Afterall her opponents weren't always as noble.

Rat certainly wasn't noble.He was a rat in every sense of the word.He had used his super-hearing to eavesdrop at the Zodiac's conversation.He was glad they were gonna send someone weak but one couldn't be so careful.He used his phasing ability to sink into the ground as if it was earth and came at Virgo from below.He could see everything clearly with his rat-eyes ability.

She activated her elemental-earth type plant powers to send roots at him from the ground.She sensed him using her cosmic energy waves.Rat struggled to dodge the roots.His ability didn't allow him to phase through things filled with cosmic energy.He finally reached Virgo
but before he could pull her down into the ground she activated another ability to grow dove wings and fly of ground.Plant vines wrapped around his wrist.He bit them of with his rat teeth before diving back to the ground.

So she could fly and attack him with vines from out of his reach.That's the Zodiacs definition of weak!

Unbelievable!At this rate he was gonna loose.All he could do was dodge the vines she kept sending at him.However Rat's biggest weapon was his craftiness and he had gotten a grasp on Virgo's character from eavesdropping earlier.

Big-hearted fools were easy to trick.
A vine came at him and he pretended to get hit.He turned away from her before bitting his arm and letting a few drops of blood drip to the ground.

"You got me right in the heart!" He screamed collapsing on the ground.

Ummm...Ok I know what your thinking.
Noone in existence no matter how stupid would fall for that.

You are right ofcourse.Virgo didn't fall for it.She may not be too smart but no way was she that stupid.

But here is the thing.She was caring through and through.No matter how obvious a trap it seemed like she still couldn't turn a blind eye to people's suffering.

It may be a one in a million possibility but if Rat had actually been injured and Virgo just knocked him of stage and he ended up dying Virgo would never be able to forgive hersef.

That's why she quickly went to heal him without a moment's hesitation.

She touched him and the scar healed.She kept careful watch of his hands to make sure he didn't try any trick.But she missed something vital.
His tail!

"Thanks." Rat said and wrapped his tail around her leg before descending into the ground pulling her with him.

She tried using her wing's but they wouldn't work underground.She sent vines at Rat but he ate through them.
He knew throwing her of the arena wouldn't be enough because she could just fly back so he went all the way to the craft's bottom before phasing her out of the ground.He bit her wings and let her fall.

She tried flapping her wings but it was just too painful.She could only reduce her fall speed as she slowly hit the water.

Satisfied Rat phased back into the surface to claim his victory.He got of lucky this time.Thing's could have ended badly for him if they had just sent Libra.


Wet and dripping Virgo swam to the shore.Libra was came down to meet her there.
Virgo's eyes teared up."I'm sorry I let you down.I knew it was a trick but I just couldn't..." She started to say while walking to the shore but Libra jumped into the water to hug her.

"Oh Virgo.Don't be sorry.Your kindness is exactly what I love most about you." She comforted.

However she shot a glare toward the Signs' stands.To use a trick like that...
Those coward must pay.And she was gonna make them.

Clash of the Zodiacs(3)Where stories live. Discover now