All-out War

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All-out war plot

The 12 Zodiac team leaders confer about how to best handle Dragon.

Aries who had been so eager to fight him before doesn't care about him anymore.He just wants to get back at Rooster for humiliating him.

Taurus smart as always realizes engaging dragon is risky and suggests building an impregnable defense and waiting for time to run out forcing another draw.

Aquarius with her wounded pride sees this as being cowards and says she'll settle for no less than complete victory against him.

Leo doesn't have any ideas but luckily Sag steps in for him as she suggests they do all the other's ideas simultaneously. She explains her plan.

Later they enter the arena and face off against the other signs.Before starting the match Sag reminds Dragon of his promise to cancel the war if Aries manages to hit Rooster.(From the first match,second chapter.).She asks him if that promise still holds or is he not a dragon of his own word.

Offended Dragon says it still holds and he'll even give them the first 3 minute
of the 5 minute match as headstart in which he won't fight.Ox is displeased with this but Dragon was more powerful so he complies.

Rooster is terrified by this deal convinced all the 12 would go after him.Rabbit assures him that she'll protect him like a big sister.

The match starts and the Zodiac teams split into three.Each with his own plan and goal.

Aries,Pisces,Scorpio and Leo head for Rooster.When Rooster tries to jump off stage Leo raises a firewall around the arena to keep him in.

While he is laughing about trapping Rooster Dog blindsides Leo and freezes him into an ice statue.

While Dog is laughing at Leo Scorpio paralysis Dog from the back and throws him off stage.

While Scorpio is laughing....just kidding Scorpio doesn't do laughter.Point is Snake comes for his rematch and traps him.

Enter Pisces to the rescue.She frees Scorpio but Snake manages to take her hostage.He threatens to poison her with venom of his snakes if Scorpio doesn't surrender.Hero turned to damsel in distress I guess.

Scorpio doesn't do negotiations so he simply uses his speed to rescue Pisces and push Snake off stage.While falling Snake sends a viper to bite her arm.The pain is excruciating so she starts crying  but Scorpio starts to suck poison out of her arms with his mouth.

How nice.Let's leave the lovebirds at that slightly romantic scene and go to Aries who happened to be chasing a chicken around the arena.

Aries attacks Rooster but Rabbit defends.Since Rabbit and Aries' techniques are so similar they engage in a highspeed game of bouncing around fighting.Rabbit is faster and stronger but Aries' toughness and fire power gives him the edge.He escapes her and goes to hit Rooster and end the war.She catchs up at incredible speed not b/c she wanted game to continue but b/c she wants to protect Rooster.

She pushes him out of the way and takes the brunt of Aries' attack.She gets knocked off stage but Aries is impressed by her actions, heart and most of all guts.I smell a ship forming but anyway he went back to chasing around the chicken.

He passes other Zodiacs who hadn't been idling.

Taurus's plan aided by Cancer,Cap and Sag was delaying the match till time ran out.They did this by casting a triple sphere.

Let me explain how that works.First Cap makes an illusion of a solid diamond wall(sphere) around them.Next Taurus used his sphere ability to harden it into the real thing not just an illusion.Cancer expands his cosmic energy repelling shield to guard the impregnable sphere from cosmic energy attacks.

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