Chapter 29

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It's A Shakespeare Thing

Chapter 29


I clung nervously to a sleeping Braxton in the holding room Asher's lawyer had showed us to over an hour ago. My nerves were frayed from having to wait so long. This was the day that decided the fate of the precious little boy I was holding. If the judge ruled in favor of Trent, Asher and I would be crushed. I was praying the judge ruled in our favor. As far as I knew, there was no reason for Braxton to be in the court room. You can imagine my surprise when the lawyer walked in and informed me to follow him to the court room.

"I thought Braxton was to be kept out of the court room?" I questioned.

"That was the original plan, but the judge wants to see how Braxton interacts with each party." The lawyer explained.

I didn't reply as we had entered the court room. I caught Asher's eye only to see that he was as confident as ever. His confidence reassured me that everything was going to be ok. It had to be ok. I loved the litle boy in my arms as if I had given birth to him myself.

"Good morning Miss Aymes. As you are the child's primary caregiver, I thought it would be fair to allow you in the court room." The judge gave me a warm smile.

"Thank you, your honor." I replied.

"Please, hand the child to his biological father." I handed Braxton to Trent who had a smirk on his face.

As soon as my hands left Braxton's body he let out a horrific wail. Trent began to bounce him to calm him dow, but it was no good. Only Asher and I knew how to calm him down. Trent was holding Braxton in an awkward position to begin with.

"Miss Aymes, you may retrieve the child. Once he has calmed down hand him to his gaurdian." The judge instructed me.

It took me all of a minute to calm Braxton down enough to hand him over to Asher. Asher was brilliant as always with him. He was a natural at being a father. You could instantly see the bond the two had. I smiled watching them together thinking of the news I had just recieved myself. I was planning on telling Asher when we left the court house.

"I've seen enough. Clearly, Miss Andrews made a very good decision when she intrusted her son's life to her brother. I am sorry but I am ruling in favor of Mr. Andrews. Asher will have full custody of Braxton and may proceed with the adoption process." The judge banged his gavel and that was it. Asher now had full custody of Braxton. Trent would be allowed to have surpervised visits with Braxton three times a month.

"Well, I'm glad that is over." Asher sighed as he kissed me on the cheek.

"Me too, let's go home. I'll fix us some lunch." I smiled.

"Sounds great to me!" Asher led me to the car.

When we got home I busied myself with making Asher and I turkey breast sanwhichs and making Braxton something. We all ate our food and I couldn't avoid it any more. I was once again nervous about the outcome of me telling Asher my news.

"Ok spill it. You've been way too quiet since we got home." Asher spoke sensing my unease.

"You caught me." I smiled weakly.

"What is it?" Asher asked worried.

"Ok, I know it wasn't planned, but I'm more than ready for this step in our relationship. I just hope you are too." I rambled on.

"Ready for what Raylin?" Asher questioned nervously.

"I'm pregnant. Please don't freak out!" I squeaked.

"Are you serious! Are you freaking kidding me!" Asher yelled excitedly.

"Yes! The doctor confirmed it Monday while I was there." I giggled.

"I love you so much! I couldn't be happier right now than I am in this moment." Asher picked me up and spun me around in the air.

"I love you too!" I laughed.

"Ill be right back." Asher sat me down and ran off to our bedroom.

I waited patiently for all of two seconds before I got antsy. I could hear Asher rummaging though the night stand. I had no clue what he was looking for, but he finally found it.

"Ok, I know you are going to think I am doing this because you are pregnant, but I had something big planned for Saturday. I was going to make this moment so memorable. But now, I can't think of a more perfect moment." Asher got down on one knee and I almost fainted. "Raylin Desdemona Aymes, would you please do me the honor of agreeing to become my wife?"

"A million times yes!" I squealed.

Asher kissed me passionately and it felt like the first kiss. No other guy in this world could compare to Asher. He was everything I could ever want plus so much more. This was if. This was what I was meant to do. I was meant to be a wife and mother. Now, I just had to figure out how to tell my mother.

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