ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 4

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midnight rain


all text in italics is spoken in catalan/ spanish

"SO YOU'LL need to look at all the players' bios and your timetable. dan is the other physio so you can cooperate with him for timings and switches. any questions?" nina asked as they both walked towards the gym and recovery area. olivia shook her head and mentally prepared herself when she heard loud laughs and chants coming from the room. there was even a tall rectangular window situated at the top of the entrance door. she could see familiar faces walking about as olivia attempted to recollect the names from memory (which wasn't all good)."don't worry, they're nice, just conversate in spanish apart from the ones who don't look like they speak spanish. that's christensen and for his comfort, lewa. got it?" nina said way too optimistically and it worried the argentine even more. nevertheless, olivia nodded. 

IT FELT as if her head had gotten used to the common rotation. nina pushed open the door and olivia took in her surroundings- a huge room with the classic barca colours artistically painted across them, bright lights and a window that went from one side to the other, showcasing a view of the training ground. equipment launched all around and 27 men turned their heads simultaneously. nina clapped her hands to gain everyone's attention, though it clearly wasn't necessary. "boys! this is olivia and she's your new secondary physio. please, be nice to her and treat her well. i'm sure you'll be a great addition to the family," nina said but aimed the last part at the argentine herself.

OLIVIA TOOK a round to meet all the players and staff in the room. but she made a few particular connections. "hallo!" olivia greeted robert lewandowski, attempting to create a few bonds that she knew would be needed if she wanted to survive. "i'm robert, the oldest in the team which is not the first thing you should know and i'm number 9," he smiled at her in his broken and not very well put spanish. "możesz mówić po polsku lub angielsku (you can speak in polish or english)," olivia said as she watched his face light up in both excitement and relief. "wreszcie ktoś (finally someone)," he looked up to the ceiling in a manner that showcased gratefulness. "robert found his bestie everyone!" her dear hospital client, ferran torres, shouted while claps and laughter erupted from the crowd. 

"HAHA, VERY  funny mr hospital," olivia threw a cushion at him as his smile jokingly faltered. "via, come here!" ferran called towards the other side of the room. "this is pedro pedri, pedro pedri this is via," he introduced her to pedri gonzalez as he shook his head at ferran. "I was here during the announcement idiot," pedri laughed as he brought his hand forward, smiling as the argentine shook it. "and who's via?" olivia teased about her new nickname though it was not even a few minutes since meeting the team. but her thoughts were interrupted by once again a familiar face. "mikky!" she squeezed back her best friend and now fellow colleague from the back and watched as ferran and pedri also leaned in for a hug squishing olivia in the middle of the group. she didn't fail to notice frenkie's neck turning at the speed of light, so fast that she was sure it would've snapped. "I- can't- brea-th" was all olivia could get out while they suffocated her in the pile of bodies, a few others joining in the cult to choke olivia as well. "i don't believe you two have met. pablo, olivia and olivia, pablo," now it was the argentine's turn to snap her neck. it couldn't be. "nice to meet you," pablo gavi said as he stared into those dark brown eyes that he had grown to fall in love with not so long ago. 

this was going to be one heck of a rollercoaster.

short chapter and i'm so sorry but I have a few big tests coming week and I need to focus. but I also love y'all so much and there was a comment for me to update soon so here it is. i'll try to update quickly but this should do for now. ilysm <3

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