Chapter 1

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Hi, I'm Laura Lockster. I'm just a normal girl with a normal life. HA, I wish! I don't have a normal life and I am for sure not a normal girl. You probably don't understand, do you? Well, allow me to start at the beginning. It all began about 12 years ago, there was a wealthy couple. They had two girls. They were a happy family. However, their second daughter came down with an unknown disease as an infant. As the doctors tried more tests, the infant was restored to full health. Though as the child grew up, she was able to touch fire without being hurt whatsoever. She could also control and summon it. She never told her parents because she didn't want them to see her as a monster. So, she told her older sister. Her sister didn't believe her until she summoned fire in the palm of her hand and made it dance in different ways. Her sister was amazed but told her to tell their parents. She refused. The girl's sister told their parents despite her sister not wanting them to know. The adults didn't believe her so she videotaped her sister playing with the fire she summoned. Still, her parents didn't believe her. So, she woke her parents in the night and brought them to her sister's room. Then they saw their child with a little horse made of fire galloping around the room. They couldn't believe it. Out of panic they burst the door open and hollered. Because of this, the young child's flames engulfed her, burning the house and her mother and father. Her sister was considered dead since there was no trace of her. As you may have thought, that girl with flame powers is me. I killed my whole family in an instant.

As of now, I'm a rich girl living on the streets of New York City. Crazy how you can have everything you could ever want but then lose it in an instant.

As I sat by a dumpster in an alleyway wondering to myself, I heard some men coming. I got closer to the dumpster so they wouldn't see me. Once the men came into view. I could see one was quite young, perhaps around my age. He was wearing a Yankees baseball cap and an oversized navy-blue hoodie with the hood up hiding his face. The other was wearing a black T-shirt that had a skull on it. He looked a couple of years older than me. He had pitch-black hair with a roman looking face. He was also quite tan while the other looked to be as pale as a ghost.

They began to talk. It sounded like arguing. The boy with the hood removed his hood revealing sandy-brown colored hair along with a handsome face. He looked to have green eyes. I knew right away that I had fallen head over heels for him. If his personality reflected his looks then he would be the perfect guy for me.

As I daydreamed, the boy with the skull shirt summoned little electric shots in the palm of his hand. The other did the same but with a small but visible gust of wind. I smiled with delight.

I stood up and yelled, "You're like me!"

The boys turned to me with scared and shocked faces. I could tell so I showed them. I summoned fire in my palm and made it into a little horse just like that night.

The boy with a skull on his shirt ran over to me and whispered in my ear, "What is wrong with you? Do you want to get killed?!"

"No," I replied.

"Good." As he said that he nodded to the other boy.

The boy with sandy hair came, held my hand, and pulled me to the street. The other boy followed. After about an hour of waking in silence. We got a taxi. In the taxi, I asked what their names are. No reply. I said my name was Laura Lockster. They looked at me with curious looks on their faces. It went silent for a minute.

"I'm Jason and he's Logan. '' said the boy with the skull shirt, or should I say, Jason.

"May I ask how old you are?" I asked.

This time Logan spoke, "I'm 14 and he's 16."

I was quite surprised. I wasn't expecting Logan to be a year older than me. The rest of the car ride was silent, only the hum of the engine broke the silence. After hours of driving, we were dropped off by the White Mountains. I believe we were dropped off by Mount Lincoln in NH.

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