Chapter 4

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I walked ahead of him without looking back. Did I feel bad? Yes. Should I have said it? No. I was only speaking my mind but I took it too far. The word Leader. To me, it means someone who is brave, courageous, trusting, reliable, and most of all caring. I didn't even notice I was crying. I whipped my tears away but they just kept coming. Why was I crying? Did I trip and fall? No, I would be on the ground. I couldn't figure out why I was crying. I heard someone behind me. I whipped my tears and I turned around. No one was there.

I looked down and saw a white baby rabbit with what looked like a broken leg. I was surprised to see a white rabbit during the summer. I kneeled down and picked up the rabbit. I began to cry again. Somehow the rabbit reminded me of my older sister. I whipped my tears on the collar of my shirt and began walking back to camp. Once I returned everything was ready to go. Logan carried a backpack full of food supplies while Charlotte had my backpack.

"Hey, guys!" I waved while still holding the white rabbit, "Everything ready to go?"

Charlotte pointed to the white rabbit in my arms, "What's with the rabbit? Are we going to cook it or something?"

I zipped over to Logan's bag and grabbed a knife. "No one's eating her!"

Charlotte's hand shot right up, "Okay okay not cooking the rabbit!"

I put the knife back into Logan's backpack. "Come on. Let's go!" Logan said.

We began walking. As we walked, I started banging up the white rabbit while also thinking of names.

"What are you going to name her?" Oliver asked.

I thought for a moment then came up with a name, "I'll name her Sakura."

Oliver looked a bit surprised, "Wasn't that your sister's name Sakura Lockster also known as the Cherry Blossom Devil?"

The others turned in interest, "Why would she be known as that?" Charlotte asked.

"Oh, you don't know the Lockster are known for owning many hospitals but also known to be very skilled assa-" I covered Oliver's mouth before he could finish.

"That's enough Oliver," I said while looking him dead in the eyes. He nodded his head.

We walked the rest of the way to Fryeburg in silence. We stopped at the sign I saw last night when I met Oliver.

"Fryeburg what a weird name," Charlotte said, "I wonder if all they eat fried food!" She giggled along with Oliver. I smiled happy that they were getting along.

Logan on the other hand had a straight face, "Let's go stop laughing, you two."

"What's the problem, big brother?" Charlotte asked, "we were just having fun." Logan glared at Oliver. We started walking down the street. We went to some houses and cafes.

"The bus leaves at 3:00 pm so we have about five hours to explore," I said, "I'll be looking in town to see if there is a vet. Let's meet at the park at a quarter of three, okay? Don't be late." Everyone nodded in agreement.

As I looked around for a vet, Oliver asked if he could join me. Of course, I accepted who knows what could happen if he was alone. Logan could have killed him for all I know.

"Why didn't you tell them about your family's secret job?" Oliver asked as we walked.

I looked down at Sakura and stroked her snow-white fur, "I don't want them to look at me differently. I'll tell them when I'm ready."

I looked up at him and smiled, "That's a promise!"

He smiled back, "Can we go to a clothes store? I'd like to get some new clothes while we are here." I nodded.

I could also use some new clothes. Since Sakura was so small, she was hidden by my sleeve. As we shopped, I saw a lane with animal accessories. I came across an aqua-blue color for pet bunnies. I bout it along with the matching leash.

After shopping, we found a vet that would help Sakura at a low price. The vet showed me how to wrap a rabbit's broken leg in case it happened again. From that day on I knew I wanted to be a vet. They helped animals and possibly bring them back from the clutches of death itself.

"She should be okay after six to eight weeks. Make sure she doesn't jump from high places." The vet said.

I was delighted that she was going to be alright. We began to walk to the park. Once we got there, Charlotte was wearing a white shirt along with a white skirt with a bright red bow on it.

She waved, "Hey guys!" Oliver and I waved back.

Oliver looked much more handsome now, he was wearing normal clothes; He was wearing a white and black striped T-shirt along with gray shorts. Oliver's ginger, wavy hair rested just above his shoulders.

I looked around scanning for Logan. "Where's Logan?" I asked with a little bit of worry in my voice.

"Oh, he needed to use the bathroom but he'll be right back," Charlotte explained, "May I ask how Sakura is?"

I put Sakura on the ground and clipped her leash on her collar. Her red cast stood out against the vibrating green grass. "She's all good as you can see. I even got her matching collar and leash!" I said smiling.

Logan came behind Charlotte about to scare her. "Logan, don't even think about it. I know you're behind me." Charlotte said with an annoyed face.

"Aw man, I thought I really had you there!" Logan complained.

"Yeah, you thought." Oliver and I could barely hold our laughter anymore.

Logan looked at us like we had just insulted him, "Hey! Don't laugh!" 

It just made us laugh more though. Logan stomped off toward the bus stop. Down the street. I followed slowly because of Sakura. I looked at the clock tower to see what time it was. I scooped up Sakura and ran while yelling,

"Hurry we are going to miss the bus!" Oliver took Charlotte's bag and picked her up like they had just been married and began to run.

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