Chapter 5

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 Charlotte's face went bright red. Probably brighter than a tomato. We made it just in time. The bus ride was fine. I fed Sakura grass every once in a while. The ride took about an hour or so. We were dropped off on the outskirts of Black Cove, not far from the East End. We began walking using a map to navigate. Thankfully we were right next to a park, Payson Park to be specific. I placed Sakura gently down. She immediately began to somewhat hop around while eating grass as well.

"You're really attached to that rabbit," Logan said.

I looked up from the ground and smiled, "I don't know how but she reminds me of my sister in a way."

"Maybe she's the reincarnation of her you never know," Logan said.

"It's possible," I replied.

Sakura looked up and what looked to be a smile. I smiled back and picked up and hugged her tightly. After a few minutes of running around and resting Sakura, we began to walk to Tukey's Bridge.

"Hey, Oliver do you like boys?" Charlotte asked in curiosity.

His eyes widened, "How did you-"

Charlotte interrupted him, "It was just a feeling. No worries, I don't care if you like boys or girls, it doesn't matter."

"I agree with Charlotte," Logan said with a smile. Everyone looked at me.

"What?" I asked.

"You're not going to give him words of encouragement?" Charlotte asked, almost sounding like she was angry.

"Of course, I support him. I like boys and girls but mostly boys, so we have something in common."

When I said that everyone looked at me like they weren't expecting it at all. "What is so surprising that I'm bisexual?" I asked, annoyed. We walked in silence to Tukey's Bridge.

"Are we going to cross the highway here or at the other end of the bridge?" Oliver asked in an anxious voice.

"No worries, Ollie I got this." In a confident voice coming from Charlotte.

"Ollie?" All three of us asked in unison.

"It's Oliver's nickname. Unless you don't like it, Oliver." Charlotte's voice almost became sad toward the end, like it was her passion to give others nicknames.

"No, I do like it. That's what my mother used to call me before she passed away about three years ago. It just caught me off guard that's all!" He smiled and Charlotte's eyes lit up with joy and he smiled back.

"Let's get a move on shall we!" We nodded at Charlotte's request.

To me, it almost sounded like a demand but that's probably because she grew up to be the daughter of the Commander of The Colony. Charlotte began walking across the highway. With every step she took, a wall of ice would be blocking both sides of the highway. We all ran across.

"Now Laura can you please melt the ice with your fire," Charlotte asked so kindly.

I nodded and signaled for them to stay back. My hand was engulfed in flames within seconds. I breathed, closed my eyes, and held out my hand. When I opened my eyes, the fire was so hot it was blue. I shot the biggest blue fireball I could. The ice melted instantly.

I turned around, "We should get going before someone calls the cops." All three of them were frozen in shock.

"Guys? You, okay?" I asked.

Logan snapped out of his trance first. "That was so cool I have no words," Logan said.

I looked at him and blushed, "Thank you although it was pretty easy. All you need to do is concentrate on a flame color."

Adventures with Laura Lockster: The First StrikeWhere stories live. Discover now