Chapter 6

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Just as I said that Ollie and Charlotte caught up with us. "What is this smell?!" Charlotte exclaimed, "I think I'm going to puke." Charlotte jumped out of Ollie's arms and went behind the tree and actually puked.

"You okay Charlotte?" I asked in a worried tone of voice.

"Yeah, I'm fine, I just have a weak stomach you know," Charlotte replied.

"Damn. That sucks."

She came from behind the tree and nodded. "Can we please start walking? It really stinks here," said Ollie as he pitched his nose.

We all nodded in agreement and began walking. We kept walking as the swampy smell of sewage faded away. We soon found a sign saying, "Welcome to Loring Memorial Park" In good-sized letters. We kept walking onto North Street. There we saw a bus stop. It had the time and what buses were going to show up. We saw a bus called 314 Wonderland. It went to the same street the observatory was on. Although the bus didn't come for a few hours.

"How about we do what we did in Freyburg and split up," said Logan in a stern voice.

"That's a good idea. Same teams?" I asked.

"Hm how about we switch things up, I and Laura be a team and Ollie and Charlotte be a team," Logan said.

I wondered what would happen and why he chose me and not Ollie or his sister to go with him. Wait d-does he l-like me too?! My face turned a bright shade of red.

"Okay, no objections well let's go, Laura." Said Logan in a joyful voice.

"O-Okay!" I managed to blurt out.

We walked around in silence. I was looking on the streets to see if I could spot a Presley girl. She didn't have much of a description. All we know is that she is seven years old, has bleach-blonde hair, and lives in the East End of Portland. Not much to go on really.

Everything was fine until Sakura said, "Laura, hide! I hear some Scientists coming!" I grabbed Logan's hand and pulled him into a Cafe I was looking at.

"Hey! What the heck." Logan said angrily.

"Sorry, Sakura said the scientists are coming," I said as I looked outside.

"She what-?!" Logan said before I clapped my hand over his mouth.

"Umm may I help you?" asked a young girl.

The girl looked to be around eight or nine, she was wearing a waitress outfit. Although what caught my eye was her wavy, bleach-blonde hair.

I looked at her stunned, "Is your name Presley Conbolt by any chance?" I asked politely.

She looked at me for a moment, "Yes. Why do you ask? How do you know my name?" I smiled and looked Logan in the eyes.

We both smiled and looked at her. "May we talk to you? Privately. It's important." Logan said with a straight face.

Presley nodded and pulled us to the back of the Cafe. "What do you want? Make it snappy, I need to get back to work." She said annoyed that she had to talk to us.

So, I nudged Logan to open some of the windows and make a huge gust of wind. He nodded and did as he was told. The squeak of the window sounded as though someone was dragging their nails on a chalkboard. Then all of a sudden, all the windows were open, and everywhere around us was flying.

"W-What the?!" Presley shouted mortified about what was going on.

"Relax it's just Logan's powers," I said in a calm voice, "Now please allow me to explain. I and my friends came to Portland to find you. We know of your power and we also have powers."

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