Chapter 3

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I looked up to see his reaction. Charlotte was there as well. She looked like she was going to cry. I looked at the fish. It was burned to ash.

A moment of silence went by until Logan apologized, "I'm so sorry Laura. I didn't know."

"It's alright, I forgive you," I said as I gave them a warm but fake smile.

"What happened next? Were you sent to live with a family member or an orphanage?" Charlotte asked.

"I was supposed to live with my uncle but he believed I started the fire so he refused to take me. Then I was sent to an orphanage. I only stayed for a week though, the girls there were so snobby. That's when I found myself in the alley in New York City." I explained.

"Oh, wow you have been on some adventure," Logan said.

"Yeah, I guess I have," I smiled.

We all looked at each other then we heard the sound of hungry humans. A moment of silence went by then we all burst out Laughing.

"Come on Logan, start cooking the next fish. Don't burn it this time okay!" Charlotte exclaimed.

"Sounds good," Logan replied.

After about ten minutes the fish was done. We ate around 8:30 pm. After Logan and Charlotte fell asleep, I walked down the highway to see if there were any towns or cities up ahead. I should have been sleeping but I wasn't really tired. I always was a night owl. I would stay up all night and then sleep during the day. My mother and sister would joke about how I was nocturnal like a raccoon. It would make me laugh so hard that I would begin to cry. Though I got medication to help me sleep seeing as it was disrupting my health and growth.

I walked for about thirty minutes when I reached a sign saying "Welcome to Fryeburg Maine". I began to hear the rushing of leaves behind me, I had actually been hearing them ever since I couldn't see the campfire light through the trees and leaves. At first, I thought it was my imagination, then I thought it was the leaves rustling with the wind. I just realized that there was no wind and no breeze. Someone was following me.

I moved quickly so fast I even surprised myself. As I hid in the bushes, I cleared my head and slowed my breathing. I don't know what came over me. I looked around not making a sound when I found where the noise was coming from. There was a man in camouflage. I came up behind him and put my fingers to his throat.

"Who are you, and what do you want?" I said in a calm but almost sinister voice.

The man gulped "I-I can f-from the dep-department of human s-s-supernatural abilities s-science Ma'am" the man said while stuttering.

"I see I'm guessing by the camo your professional assassin." looking up and down his body. He was a little taller than the average man, but he was definitely a professional. He was covered head to toe in camouflage.

"Y-yes I'm still in training m-Ma'am," he said while I removed all of his weapons from his possession.

"I'm sure you've heard of the Lockser's correct." I tried his hand up to a tree.

"Yes of course they were known to be very skillful assassins as well as owning many hospitals. Though they all died in a fire Ma'am." The man said. He seemed to be fine with talking about my family job behind the scenes.

"Not all. There was a survivor."

"N-no it can't b-be."

"The one and only." The look on his face was that of horror.

I almost felt sorry for him. I noticed his camouflage coat looked much more oversized than it should have been. I looked under his camouflage. You could see his bone perfectly along with many scars on his stomach. I pulled out a nature grain bar from my pocket and quickly gave it to eat. I was surprised he was still alive.

After he was done, I asked him "What's your name, and why are you in this condition?"

He looked up and replied, "My name is Oliver Lewis. My commander wouldn't allow me to eat as a punishment for not completing my last mission."

"I see" I untied him.

I stood up and held my hand out and said "Join the Colony and you will never be treated so poorly again." He took my hand. The sun began to rise.

"We should get back to your camp," Oliver said.

I nodded as I started walking down the highway toward camp. Once we got there Logan was cooking breakfast while Charlotte was still sleeping.

"Hey Logan," I yelled over to him. He looked up at what he was cooking.

Logan waved and yelled "There you are I was wondering where you went-," he paused as he saw Oliver "Who is he?"

"Oh, this is Oliver he tried to kill me" Logan stood up ready to attack

"Why would you bring him here!" he yelled.

I lifted up Oliver's coat, revealing his bony body as well as all the scars from what looked to be a knife.

"He's decided to join the Colony," I said as I let go of Oliver's coat. Logan relaxed.

"And what makes you so sure we can trust him?" Logan asked.

I looked him dead in the eyes and asked, "Do you know what it's like to be tortured all day and night for a week?" Logan looked down.

"That's what I thought. I'm going to get some more fish for Oliver. No fighting."

I left and came back with a bucket load of smoked fish for Oliver.

When I returned Charlotte was awake and eating while Logan was questioning Oliver.

"Here Oliver eats up." I placed the bucket down next to him.

He ate like an animal, though I couldn't blame him, that's how I was after my monthly training. I would be locked in a cellar chained to a room of mirrors with only one door and no windows. I would be electrocuted every hour each time at a higher voltage than the last. I would stay there all night and not be able to sleep. The next day my father came in and cut me in various places instead of being electrocuted. This happened all week long with barely any food and water. Thankfully it was only once a month. Whenever I had time, I would do combat or gun and knife training. I snapped back into reality when I heard the first car pass us this morning.

"We should pack up; we need to get moving," I said calmly.

"I agree. This quest is only supposed to be a four-day quest," said Logan.

I began by packing up the sleeping bags while Charlotte made sure we had enough food and water. Logan helped me with the sleeping bags after I helped him with the cooking supplies.

"C-can I do anything to help?" Oliver asked in a shaky voice.

"Actually, yes you can start by le-" Logan was cut off when I said, "No you should rest." Logan glared at me and I glared right back.

"Hey Laura, can I talk to you for a moment?" Logan asked.

I nodded and yelled over to Charlotte "Hey we'll be right back we're getting some more food!"

"Okay," She waved yelling.

We started heading into the forest, Logan leading the way. The camp slowly disappeared into the distance.

"What did you want to talk about Logan?" I asked. He stopped and turned to me with a worried face.

"What's wrong Logan? Is it Oliver? If it is I can assure you he-" Logan cut me off,

"Laura what if he betrayed us?! He can easily kill us in our sleep!"

"I know he won't, trust me!" I replied hoping he'd stop.

"I barely know you! How do you expect me to react to someone I just met bringing someone to our camp that tried to kill them!" He yelled.

I looked up at him and said something I shouldn't have said, "I thought you'd be a good leader of the Colony someday, I guess I was wrong." 

Adventures with Laura Lockster: The First StrikeWhere stories live. Discover now