Chapter 9

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Ollie stuttered "B-but how?!"

"I overheard your conversation with your commander. You brought up a girl named Crystal," I said, recalling everything from that night, "Your commander said she was kidnapped by the colony, correct?"

Ollie nodded his head. He was so shocked he couldn't even cry.

I continued, "The night you tried to kill me you didn't notice but a picture fell out of your pocket," I paused, "On the back, it said Crystal Lewis with a heart next to it. Then I remembered a girl from the picture from the Colony. She was laughing with her friends. So, was she kidnapped by the Colony? I don't think so." Logan stared at me in shock.

I smiled, "I am a Lockster, we can be very intelligent at times." Sakura nodded in agreement.

Ollie hugged me, "I'm so sorry," He put his hands on my shoulders, "You know where my cousin is?! Is she okay?!"

I smiled, "Last time I checked she was having fun." Ollie began to cry. "Why didn't you tell us," I looked over to see who said that. Logan was looking down as he clenched his fist, "Why?!" He yelled.

I just shrugged, "I don't know."

He began marching towards me. Wind began whistling all around. Just then the lights flickered and went out. Red lights began flashing. We decided we should start moving so we walked down the hall and into a room. Well, more like an auditorium. The room was huge! Spotlights shined on us and the stage. Standing there was Dr. Li. He held a microphone in the arm that wasn't broken.

He smiled at the sight of me once more, "Ah well hello assassin! I never got to thank you for breaking my arm! Then again, I didn't hear a thank you about your leg," He paused and snickered, "I could have sworn I hit an artery. Oh well, Lockers never go down so easily. Well, some of them at least."

I gritted my teeth trying to hold my anger. How dare he insult my family's name! Logan tapped my shoulder. I looked at him as he shook his head. The girls must have been surprised to find out I was an assassin. I should have told them! I began getting more and more angered. Not just at myself but at Dr. Li as well. I could feel my body getting hotter and hotter with every second. The fiberglass began melting off my leg revealing many bloody bandages.

"Laura-" Logan began saying just before I gave him a death stare.

He moved everyone away from me. I need to be careful so I don't burn my clothes off again. I closed my eyes and breathed as I took out my knife. I took out the fireproof liquid that Sakura made. I looked back and smiled at Sakura who was now safely in Charlotte's arms. I licked the knife before putting the liquid on the knife and used my blue flames to make a flaming dagger. I bolted right towards the stage at top speed. Just when I was about ten feet away from the stage, I used my regular flames and jumped in the air with my flames at my feet to increase my jumping height. The doctor just smiled as he had expected this. I threw my knife at him.

"You think that will kill me? I thought you were a Lockster!" The doctor said with the laughter of madness.

Suddenly I felt the wind pushing me backward. I closed my eyes in reaction. My eyes fluttered open when I felt my feet on the ground and the wind had stopped. I turned around. I was in front of Ollie, Presley, Charlotte, and Logan. Presley had fallen asleep and was in Ollie's arms.

"Why did you do that Logan?! I had him," I bursted out.

Why was it, I felt so weak? I felt like crying. Why? What was this feeling? Could it be grief? I wondered.

I turned my back towards Logan and the others, "You better not stop me again."

I realized I was releasing too much blood lust. I needed to cool my head. I began thinking of plans. Although I wasn't much of a planner. I sucked at planning anything, parties, associations, you name it! I charged again. Only this time I didn't jump. I stopped when Dr. Li pulled out a syringe.

Adventures with Laura Lockster: The First StrikeWhere stories live. Discover now