"Don't worry," Jaelyn said, pulling Raven along the halls of their high school. "I swear Biology isn't that bad."

Raven gave her an annoyed look. "I didn't say it was bad, I said I would prefer physics."

Jae looked to her then, raising her brows. "Who prefers physics over biology? Physics over chemistry? Okay. But biology?"

"I'm just used to physics, okay?" Raven said, shaking her head. "You know how I feel about new classes halfway into the semester... especially when—"

"Your parents," Jaelyn responded. "I know. How's your mom doing, by the way?"

"She's good," Raven responded. "After the attack," her eyes darkened, "she managed to get away unlike my dad..." but her gaze went back to their usual amber again, "but the doctors said she'd be home by Tuesday."

"So you're home alone until then?" she said.

"Yeah, I guess. I am sixteen, so I can take care of myself until she gets back."

"I'm surprised CPS or the police haven't moved you somewhere else yet."

"CPS?" Raven echoed.

"Child Protective Services," Jaelyn explained.

"Mom will only be gone until Tuesday, Jae. I doubt they'd butt in now. If she died, too..." she took a deep breath as something cold consumed her, "then I guess they'd move me to someone's home...."

"Hey," Jae said, still pulling her along the halls, "I'll get my parents to get custody over you, alright?"

"Good luck with that," Raven said, a sad smile forming on her lips. "I guarantee someone from my dad's side would take custody over me."

"Why not your mom's?"

"Well... it's complicated... She's had a quarrel with her family... they kind of disowned her...."


"Now a days," Raven responded, "nothing's odd."


They were silent for a moment.

"I'm glad you moved to biology, though, Raven," Jae said. "I think it'd really help if you had someone you know in your class."

"I moved because of overcrowding," Raven said. "Not because the consulars are sympathetic toward me, okay?"

Jae only smiled.

But they made it into class, Jaelyn leaving Raven's side and settling in her seat towards the back of the room.

Raven just stood awkwardly at the teacher's desk, feeling all of the student's eyes on her, but tried to ignore it.

Where is he? she mouthed to Jae.

Late, she mouthed back.

Raven rolled her eyes.

She looked to the clock, seeing it five seconds before the bell rang...

When she exhaled a sigh, she looked to the board on the wall, noticing that it said, Studying human behavior.

This was biology, not psychology...

Did they somehow mix the classes?


She didn't want to talk to anyone today.

Almost half-a-second later, the bell rang, the teacher rushing in the room with stacks of papers in his arms.

After setting them on the desk, he looked to the class... almost everyone was screwing around and talking... some boys were throwing balls of paper at others, though the teacher didn't really seem fazed by it...

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