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Shock rumbled through her.

"When you're ready, meet me downstairs, alright?"

And he disappeared down the hall.

She took shallow breaths...

He lied...

He lied about leaving... and she knew it was highly possible that he lied about not wanting to hurt her...

He probably was a psychopath... pretending to be something he wasn't...

The only reason why he helped her wound was to give her a false sense of trust...

She couldn't trust anyone... not when there was someone out there who hurt her parents...

It could've been Malachi... it may not have been...

But he was involved... somehow...

She looked to the knife on her nightstand...

And she needed to protect herself...

Raven shot off the bed, grabbing the knife off the table and started out her door.

She made it down the stairs, turning to find Malachi lounging on the couch and watching the TV like he lived here.

"Get out of my house or I'll call the police!" she threatened, keeping the knife by her side still.

"I'll get out," he said, raising is brows at her tone, "if you answer my question."


"How did you get wounded?"

So he knew it wasn't out of random circumstances... he knew it was planned by someone who she didn't know...

He was playing her... playing her mind...

"None of your business," she answered.

"Then I'm not leaving." He sat back on the couch, clearly testing her.

"Why do you care?" she questioned.

He looked to her. "Answer my question, Ray, and I'll leave."

"I was attacked," she said vaguely.

His eyes darkened, though she wasn't sure if it was anger for her vagueness or anger in general. "By who?"

"I don't know," she said. "They keep on coming."

"Where are your parents?"

"You know," she answered sharply.

"So you're alone?"

She started trembling, clenching the knife at her side. "I answered, now go."

"Are you safe, Raven?" he said, brows raised.



"Yes, I'm safe."

"Are you lying?"

She narrowed her eyes. "I've answered more than one question. Now leave."

"Raven," he said, clearly waiting to get an answer he wanted.

"GO!" she screamed.

"I'm not leaving until I know you're safe, Raven."

"Leave!" she said, shaking harder.


She pulled out the knife then, pointing it threateningly at him when he shot up from the couch, holding his hands up.

"Whoa, there," he said, stepping backward while the hand that held the knife shook, "let's calm down, alright?"

"I can take care of myself!" she shouted.

"Ray..." he whispered, starting to step toward her.

She thrusted the knife at him, making him freeze. "GET BACK!"

"You've been bleeding out for a while, alright?" he tried to explain. "You need to rest. I can take care—"

"I'm FINE!"

"Raven," he uttered.

"Leave me be!" she yelled. "Get OUT!"

He rose his hands higher. "Alright... I'm leaving...."

She shoved the front door open, the wood slamming the wall next to it. And stepped back, still pointing the knife at him.

He backed out of the door, watching her carefully when she stood at a distance.

When he left her house, she shut the door behind him, locking the bolt and checking around the house to see if all the other doors were locked...

They were...

So she looked out the window to make sure he was gone... and when she was in the clear, she shot up the stairs, shoving piles of clothes and junk into her sleepover pack and dialed Jaelyn on her phone.

"Yeppers?" she said on the other line.

"Jae, I'm coming over to your house, alright?"

"Is everything okay?"

"Yes," Raven responded. "I'll be there in about half-an-hour."

"Alright, see you then."

She ended the call, threw her bag over her shoulder and darted out of the house.

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