Malachi walked down Ocean View Street, staring at the ground as the sun set behind the city.

He'd gone a whole lap around Raven's neighborhood, finding no one there...

He just had to make sure no one was stalking her...

Apart from him. She was his assignment. No one else's.

His blonde hair curled in the humid, misty air, and blew in the frosty breath of the breeze.

Suddenly, he heard loud, rapid footsteps echoing across the houses, and he looked up too late.

The slaps of feet got closer until something crashed into him full force and hit their foreheads together.

The one running fell back.

A feminine-like voice yelled out when she hit the ground, and Malachi fell back as well, but he was able to catch himself on the side of the building.

After a moment of shock, he gazed down at the girl who was rubbing her head with her palm.

She had long, black locks that glowed purple in the fading sunlight, and she wore a skirt along with a blood-stained t-shirt.

"Raven?" he questioned.

She looked up to him, amber eyes dulling in panic, then looked behind her with the same expression.

"Where are you going?" he questioned. "And why do you have a backpack?"

She pulled out the steak knife again, though wasn't looking at him still... she was looking behind her.

Confusion rattled him, but he still backed away. "Raven...? Are you alright...?"

His eyes caught ahead of them, watching three shadows form from the darkness, rushing toward them with inhuman like speed.

Raven scrambled onto her feet, grasping her knife and almost darted away, but Malachi caught her arm, reeling her toward him.

"Let me go!" she yelled, grabbing his wrist. "I have to go!"

"No, you don't," he said with a sudden dark tone. "You're staying right here with me."

She looked up at him, eyes darkening in panic. "What do you want...?"

"Stay still," he said. "And we won't kill you, alright?"

She went cold.

Her breathing came short, and she stared wide-eyed into his gaze, on the verge of panicking.

"I knew it..." she whispered. "I knew you were faking...."

His eyes only darkened.

She looked down. "I hate you...."

The three men got closer when she slapped him hard across the face, snapping his head to the side. "I HATE YOU!"

She brought the steak knife down on his arm, piercing his wrist and he yelled out in pain, loosening his grip.

She broke free then, darting away from all of them.

The three men got closer...

Mal went after her, racing faster than a cheetah and caught her arm, pulling her against him again.

She scratched his wrist, but he didn't let go.

He caught her other arm that held the blade, holding tightly onto her wrist as she writhed against him.

"Drop the knife, Raven," he demanded. "Now."

She stomped on his foot, hearing a grunt exhale from his throat but he spun her around, making her face forward while he held her hands behind her back.

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