1, III

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It only took ten more minutes, but Raven ran up her driveway, shuffling through her pockets until she found her house key.

After jamming it in the lock, she pried open the front door, shoving her keys back into her jacket and walked inside.

She had finally returned to her childhood home... everything was the same... the white walls that her mom repainted last year... the family portraits along with the hardwood floors...

Everything was the same, yes... normal...

The grandfather clock... the man with the bright yellow eyes sitting on the sofa—

Raven double-took, staring back at the sofa with wide eyes...

To find nothing there... not even a dent where the boy sat...

Her heart pounded against her chest... but she managed to calm it by taking a deep breath...

God... she was so terrified that she was hallucinating...

After shaking her head, she turned to the front door to close it.

And screamed.

"Chill," Malachi said, brows raised. "Jesus christ."

She pressed her hand to her chest, gasping. "You scared me!"

"Don't have a heart attack, okay?" he said then. "I don't feel like waiting in the emergency room for twelve hours."

She looked up then, eyes widening.

He stood on her doorstep; feet pressed onto the welcome mat as his large frame filled the entire porch.

"Hold on..." she said, putting a finger up, "how did you know where I lived?"

And was that him on the couch earlier...?

No... no one could be that fast...

He only smiled, making something cold wash over her. "Gonna let me in, Princess?"

"No." She caught the door, almost shutting in his face, but his foot shot out, catching the wood before it hit the frame.

She opened it again, glaring despite her entire body growing cold.

"Come on," Malachi urged, sticking his lip out like a child. "Don't be rude. I came all the way here."

She peered behind him to see if there was an unfamiliar vehicle on the driveway.

There was nothing.

Did he walk?

But she still said, "My mom'll be home soon."

He smiled. "Lies. I know she's in the hospital until Tuesday, Ray."

She swallowed, though narrowed her eyes. "I don't trust you, Mal."

"You want to."

"No, I don't."

He was right... she wanted to, but she knew it was a horrible idea to trust someone like him...

She mainly wanted to trust him because she didn't really like feeling terrified... especially of someone her own age...

And especially when she knew somewhat that he was maybe involved in the mugging or whatever it was...

"Get your foot out of my door, Malachi," she demanded sharply.

"Come on," he whined, faking a pout. "Pweeeease? I can make French Toast," he bounced his brows, "your favorite."

She didn't know how he knew her favorite food, but didn't mention it.

She had to accept by now... he knew a lot about her...

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