3, II

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Raven's eyes shot open.

Panting, she looked around the dark room, glancing at every shelf, book, and potion.

It was still Malachi's mansion...

Did she fall asleep again?

All the sudden, a low, glowing light caught her eye, and she turned to find someone holding a glass lamp with a dimly lit candle burning within, making the room glow slightly.

One look at the shadowed figure, Raven's heart dropped down to her feet, and she started scooting back toward the head board.

The figure reached out to her suddenly, but she flinched back.

It was the demon... The shadow of her nightmares was real, hovering over her like her awaiting death.

Raven scrambled the nightstand for some type of defense method. Something sharp, like a letter opener or a knife or something.

Maybe something heavy... if she could somehow gather enough force to smash it over its head.

The figure lightly placed their hand on her wrist, and she almost screamed... but she felt their body heat sink into her skin...

Demons couldn't sooth people with warmth... could they...?

The lamp moved like it were floating on its own, and it was lightly set on the table, barely making any sound.

Raven stared at the lamp for a moment before looking up to the figure.

Studying him, she recognized his golden hair and black eyes in an instant.


"Wha—" she gasped, scooting further back without meaning to, "wha— what— what—"

Malachi lightly rubbed her inner wrist with his thumb. "It's okay. I'm not here to hurt you, Princess. I'm not a demon, alright?"

How did he know she was thinking that...?

"How...?" Raven spoke in broken sentences, but he seemed to understand. Which was really odd. No one could understand her when she was freaking out like this.

"I heard you screaming from my room. I came to check on you. Are you okay?"

All she did was blink.

Was she that loud when she had nightmares?

Also... was she having a nightmare...?

"Did you have a bad dream?" Malachi asked.

Why did he sound so concerned...?

He never spoke like this... it was really odd...

After nodding, she glanced around the room again to make sure this wasn't another dream, tricking her into thinking she was safe, and then the moment she thought it, the whole world would shatter. And she would be alone, screaming for help.

"It's okay," Malachi assured her. "Don't be afraid."

"What... makes you... say that...?" Raven stuttered.

He tilted his head to the side curiously. "I can tell you're terrified. You're shaking very slightly, but I can still see it."

She blinked, breath straining.

"Are you going to lie and deny it?" he wondered.

She looked down, trying to avoid his hot gaze. "You're grating."

"Walking in here and asking if you're okay is grating," Malachi confirmed with a fox smile.

She nodded.

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