Chapter Three

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Sitting at your desk, you kept looking at your phone, unsure if you should even message him. He probably gave you a fake number because it'd be funny. Pouting, you grabbed your phone off the wooden surface, started typing out a message and then deleted said message, and this happened for an embarrassing amount of time. Finally, you were satisfied with a possible message to send but even thinking that was an overstatement. Giving it a once over again, you decided you may as well send it. 'Hey, it's Y/n. Thank you for walking me to my dorm.' It was brief and right to the point. Leaning back in your chair, you closed your eyes until you heard your phone go off, then you scrambled to see who had messaged you. Your heart fluttered once you saw Keigo's name on the notification. 

'Miss me already?' Was Keigo's reply. Rolling your eyes, you shook your head with a smile plastered on your face. Something about his playful arrogance kept your attention captivated, even if it was through a phone screen. 

Taking a deep breath, you start typing; you've never been so nervous as you were at this very moment. 'I know you dropped me off a few hours ago... But would you like to come over?' After hitting send, you place your phone screen down, not wanting to see the little bubble implying he was typing his response to probably shut you down. This was probably the stupidest thing you've ever done. Why would you invite the number two hero to your dorm room? What had gotten into you?

Seconds felt like hours as you waited for your phone to buzz. You were getting nervous and needed to do something, so you got up, placed your hands on top of your head and started to pace around your room anxiously. Suddenly, you heard a knock on your door, and Haru was probably coming to whine about how groggy and gross she felt. Trying to calm yourself down, you walked over to your door, opening it up only for it to not be Haru but Keigo.

"I don't think I told you what one was my dorm," you stared up at Keigo, shocked. "But, uh, come on in." You stepped aside, allowing him to come into your room. 

Keigo nodded and sat down on a small couch you managed to fit into the small room, "yeah, I know. I just knocked on every door until I found yours," he said, looking up at you chuckling. You closed your door and stood there in complete shock, and the whole floor knew someone like him was looking for you. There was no way they wouldn't know who he was. 

"You're going to make me talk of the whole damn floor!" You shrieked; your whole being at university was built on nobody paying attention to who you were. But with Keigo, the man otherwise known as Hawks, the number two hero, now everyone will know who you are. The thought of people's eyes glued to you as you pass by them whispering to one another made you feel sick. It was as if your heart dropped to your stomach just thinking about all the possible scenarios. 

Getting up, Keigo walked over to you; he planned to comfort you. Now he felt bad that he left out the part of him literally begging for the ones who answered their doors not to tell anyone. Wrapping an arm around your shoulders, Keigo pulled you in a little bit, catching you off guard. You stumbled a little. Looking up at him, you saw an apologetic look on his face, causing you to blush slightly.

Clearing your throat, you moved from him, "anyways, what would you like to do? I can play a movie on my computer or something." Keigo nodded. "Alright, sit down and think of a movie; I'll grab some snacks." You ordered the hero, and he instantly obeyed your commands, which to you seemed weird, but maybe this was his way of making things up to you. After a few moments of rustling around in your snack drawers, you made your way to the small couch. Logging into your computer with the wireless keyboard you keep nearby, "alright, birdbrain, what are we watching?" Turning your attention to Keigo.

"Easy, the conjuring."He smiled, getting comfortable; he would comfort you whenever you got scared. It was all part of his master plan. The only thing was he had no idea it was part of his master plan. He didn't even understand what he was feeling. But seeing how you looked when he suggested the movie made him feel confident that you'd need someone to comfort you and make you feel safe. It might just be all the years of being a hero getting to his head. He liked feeling needed.

Gulping, you turned searched for the movie and then before turning it on, you turned your lights off with an app on your phone and then put your phone on silent so you wouldn't have a heart attack if someone texted you. Shoving your phone in your pocket, you then hit play. You already knew you were going to hate every moment of this. Your body had already stiffened. 

Not even halfway through this damned movie, your hands flew to cover your face, sliding one finger apart from the rest to peak through it. You never could get through horror movies. Keigo absent-mindedly picked up on this and wrapped an arm around you, his callous fingers brushing your arm to soothe you. With your hands moving from your face, you looked over at him only to see his eyes glued to the screen as he shoved some candy into his mouth. He was so unbothered by the movie, looking down, you thought to yourself, 'I guess that makes sense. He's a hero; after all, he's seen much worse. He's seen real-life stuff more horrifying.' Leaning into him, you rested your head against his shoulder. 

Throughout the movie, Keigo comforts you; you relax as if you didn't dare leave his side. You felt safe snuggled up to him. But, of course, you'd never be caught dead admitting that. Taking in the scent of whatever cologne he had on, you close your eyes and take deep breaths whenever you feel scared at specific parts of the movie. 

The movie was over in no time, or at least that's what it felt like. You slowly pull back from Keigo's side reluctantly. Then, getting up, you stretched your arms above your head. Looking over at him, you muttered, "it wasn't that bad. I wasn't scared at all." This blatant lie made him chuckle, standing up next to you.

"Yeah, sure you weren't," Keigo smiled; it was that same smile that made you feel things. It was as if your heart was whole, and you couldn't explain why it felt this way. If someone asked you to explain the feeling, you weren't sure you could describe it. Little did you know Keigo felt the same way. Subconsciously Keigo moved closer to you, leaning down, his face inches from yours.

A loud knock at the door pulled you apart, and you coughed, pretending to clear your throat. There was an awkward air around your room as you made your way to the door, only opening it up a bit so your face was visible, hiding Keigo away from who was at the door, Haru. You gulped, knowing there was no way you could let her know who was standing in your room. 

"Hey, what's up?" You asked, smiling at your best friend, hoping she wouldn't want to come in. 

"I was wondering if you wanted to go out tonight. Just shoot me a text with your answer... You don't look so good." She studied your face. You looked pale, not because you were sick but because you were nervous about possibly having to lie to one of the most important people in your life. Haru waved as she walked away from your door with a bright smile.

Closing your door, you sighed, leaning against it. "That was a close one," you awkwardly rubbed your arm, looking over at Keigo, who hadn't left the spot where he was standing. You wanted to move and go over to him, you truly did, but you couldn't make yourself move. 

Keigo must've picked up on this and walked over to where you stood, "yeah, it was..." He breathed as he leaned down again. Once again, his face was only inches from yours. Taking a deep breath, you closed the gap pressing your lips against his, your eyes fluttering shut. Keigo's hands moved up to your face, cupping your cheeks as he pulled away. "I should get going..." Mumbling barely loud enough for you even to hear him. You nodded, moving away from the door just enough for him to open it and leave.

Closing the door behind him, you sink onto the floor with your face in your hands. What have you done? You couldn't help but blame yourself as silent sobs left you. You didn't even know why you were crying, and you didn't even know why you felt this way. Maybe you shouldn't have kissed him; you should've just waited for whatever move he was going to make. Although you were sure that's where it was going to go. 

You slid your phone out of your pocket and texted Haru, saying you'd go out for the night. You were determined to get over this. But you weren't sure if your heart would let you do that.

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