Chapter Six

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The alarm you had set the previous night was blaring; you quickly looked over to your phone to turn it off. You were regretting the decision to make it so damn early. Yawning, you decided to lay back down, phone in hand, and scroll through social media. There was never anything interesting. As you continued to scroll, you saw posts about Keigo and how cool he was in yesterday's fight against the Nomu. You wondered if he was awake if he was thinking about you at such an early hour.

It was as if he knew what you were thinking, 'hey, dove do you have class today?' A notification popped up on your screen. With embarrassing speed, you replied to him with a simple yes. Then it was radio silence from him, and you wondered if this was what it would be like to be with someone like him.

After about thirty minutes, you were pulled from your spiraling thoughts by a knock on your door. It was 6:35 am. Who the hell would even be up at this time in the dorms? Another knock on the door had you groaning, getting up, and walking over to let whoever was on the other side get a piece of your mind. Flinging the door open, you start preparing to get angry, but then you see who is there.

Keigo then weaseled into your room, placing a coffee in your hand. You pinched yourself on the arm a little to make sure you weren't still asleep, even though the heat radiating from the coffee in your hand should've been enough of a sign this was real.

"You look tired," you looked over at Keigo, who had made himself comfortable on your couch. An arm was covering his eyes, protecting them from any form of light, only groaning in response. "Sit up, sleepy head," you muttered, shaking his foot slightly.

Keigo obeyed, sitting up somewhat quickly. His arm was no longer resting on his face. The bandages from yesterday were still there. You couldn't help but notice how exhausted Keigo had looked. Dark circles were pretty noticeable, making you wonder if he even slept. You were sitting down next to him on the couch, instantly caught by Keigo's arms, pulling you closer to him.

"Is everything okay?" You whispered; this was so new to you. Keigo was a whole new ballgame in a sense. You'd been friends with pro heroes but never involved like you are with him. Keigo hummed as he buried his face in the crook of your neck. Your body stiffened as you felt his hot breath against the exposed skin of your neck.

"Everything is fine now," Keigo murmured against your skin, taking in your scent.

You took a sip of your coffee before setting it down on a small wooden table that fit snugly by your couch. Then, rubbing Keigo's back, you looked around the room; it was always reasonably small, but you never honestly noticed how everything was so clustered together. But, of course, you had only been here, so having another person here felt cramped. You didn't mind it, though, if it meant you could spend time with Keigo. 

After a comfortable silence, Keigo cleared his throat slightly and started to speak against your skin, "I was thinking you should come over tonight for a date we can order in." You hummed in response, and Keigo chuckled, "not the answer I thought I'd get."

"Yeah, that sounds nice, or I could just cook instead," you suggested as you rubbed small circles on Keigo's back. You had no idea how to cook, but it couldn't be that hard. You felt a smile against your flesh, assuming either Keigo thought it was funny you said you could cook or he liked the idea. 

"Sounds good to me," Keigo suddenly moved away from your body and got up from his place on the couch. "And you should probably be getting to class, huh?" He questioned playfully as you flopped down, groaning. 

"But I don't wanna," you pouted. Keigo shook his head and made his way to the door. 

"Yeah yeah, well, I've gotta head out anyways. Got some stuff to do at my agency," he opened the door and looked back at you, smiling. "But, I'll be seeing you tonight. Can't wait to see what you cook for me." Soon he slipped out the door and disappeared into the hallway. 

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