Dragonspiral Tower- White

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All this walking and fighting really got you tired. To think you actually went on this crazy adventure. Now you were here battling Team Plasma so they wouldn't release people's Pokemon. After all this was for many people, it's not like you could ignore this huge problem.

Floor after floor, there were Team Plasma grunts who kept battling you. It was pretty annoying to you but you kept being the great trainer you are. And after all, you would get to see the man you most wanted to see. Natural Harmonia Gropius, or as he prefers, N.

Once you got to the top you saw N. And of course he had the legendary White dragon Pokemon. "Y/N!," he yelled as he saw you. "Now that I have Reshiram on my side, my plan for Pokemon liberation will come true! Pokemon will no longer suffer from their trainers!" You saw this coming. No shock. "If you are the other hero, Y/N, you'll get the dark stone and have Zekrom acknowledge you as the hero."

Still no surprise there. "That's means I have to fight you, huh?" You bluntly said. "Well of course, we'll see who's ideals are stronger and whether Pokemon should be released." N smiled at you. Your heart fluttered at this. Why did you have to fall in love with this crazy kid who you had to fight against? Of all the people in Unova, you had to fall in love with your supposedly called "rival".

N walked closer to you and grabbed your hand. "I know that you didn't want this but if this didn't happen I probably wouldn't have met you," was he trying to emotionally kill you? "Even if we go our separate ways just know that I'm glad we spent our time together, even if it was mainly battling you." You both laughed at this for it was what you both mostly did when you saw each other.

N cupped your face and spoke softly, "Y/N, please find the dark stone. This will help determine how our future will be. Whether you win or I win, I want you to know how I really feel," at this your face started to heat up. You thought that he was blushing but he was looking away so you weren't certain, " I really like you, Y/N." With this he stared into your eyes, slowly leaned in, and softly kissed you.

A red tomato you were. This made you happy but at the same time you were afraid that this was some kind of alternative reality. You were clearly enjoying this small moment but it didn't last forever. "Well then, Y/N. I'm sorry that even you will have to release your wonderful Pokemon," he looked guilty for it wasn't something he wanted me to go through. "I'll defeat the champion and I'm sure you'll have the dark stone where we will then battle." You said nothing but just nodded. At this he flew off on the legendary Pokemon.

Oh, N. Why'd it have to come to this? If only we didn't have to fight. If only we were happy and lived together where we could spend our days together. If only...

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