Barry: Clumsy love

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You walked out the pokemon center, only to bump into someone. Your forehead collided with someone else's, you looked at the person only to see, "Barry!" You exclaimed. He looked surprised but soon a big smile appeared on his face. "Y/N! Long time no see!" He yelled out, excitement in his voice.

He threw himself at you, his arms wrapped around you tightly. Your face erupted into shades of red, "B-Barry! G-Get the heck off of me!!" You yelled as you tried to push him off. He quickly got off of you and pulled you up, "Quick! I have to show you something!" He added, pulling you with him as he ran.
When he finally stopped you bumped into his back, making him fall flat on his face. You burst out laughing, "Haha! I'm so sorry!" You then looked around, you were back in Twinleaf town.

"W-What are we doing here?" You questioned. Barry got up and smiled, grabbing your hand and led you to a tree.

He pointed to a carving in the tree, the words 'Barry + (Y/N) Forever!' And a heart around those words. Your face turned red and your heart started to beat faster, "Why are you showing me this?!" He chuckled and held your hand, "This may be awkward but I want you to know I love you too." You squeezed his hand and let out a small giggle, "Geez, this was 4 years ago. You're a little late," You smiled, "But I still love you too."


Happy Halloween!! Ha, hope you guys have fun and don't eat any suspicious candy!

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