chapter twenty-six

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“He still hasn’t called back”, I say, checking my phone for the tenth time in the past ten minutes even though my ringtone’s on the loudest level there is.

“Then go and see him”, Niall says, “He’s probably just busy but if you’re worried, check if something is wrong.”

“Mhmh”, I make, not sure. “I don’t want to annoy him; I don’t know if we’re close enough to just walk over to each other without warning.”

“Well, you can’t fucking warn him if he doesn’t pick up his phone. I think that’s quite rude.”

I shrug, wanting to defend him, but then again, I’m a bit annoyed with him myself because I’m really getting worried and if it’s all for nothing now, I want him to give me an actual reason.

“Come on, go”, Niall says, “I’m sure it’ll be okay.”

I nod, already having made my decision and push myself off the couch to get dressed in the hallway. The last time I’ve heard from Harry was yesterday morning and now it’s in the afternoon.

Niall is right, he probably has to use the last days of break for studying and just isn’t on his phone, but I’m worried nevertheless.

I walk over quickly because it’s cold and ring twice when arriving. I hear steps inside and then Harry opens the door.
“Hi”, I say, “Sorry for intruding, Harry.”

He shakes his head. “It’s okay.”

“Busy with studying?”

He steps aside so I can get in and shakes his head slightly. “Um, no, not really.” He scratches the back of his head and shrugs.

“I was just worried because you didn’t answer your phone.” My tone maybe isn’t exactly friendly because I can see his phone in his pockets and he also isn’t busy so he probably was ignoring me.

“Well, yeah”, he says, shrugging again, “Sorry you were worried.”

He nods towards the kitchen and we walk inside, sitting down at the kitchen table. “How’s studying going for you?”, he asks me, still looking uncomfortable as he sits down.

“Is something off?”, I ask, ignoring his question.

“No.” He shakes his head and stares at the surfaces of the table.

“Love, come on, why were you ignoring me then?”

He shakes his head, drawing circles on the wood. “Nothing.” His voice is distant again and I feel myself taken back to a few weeks ago when we barely knew each other yet.

“Well, I was worried”, I say, getting rather annoyed as he continues to shut down.

“You already said that.” He rolls his eyes and I feel a little like kicking him into the shin under the table.

“Yes, so why won’t you acknowledge that?”

He sighs as if I was an annoying child and doesn’t respond. “Harry?”

“Yes, I did hear you.”
I am the one not wanting to reply anymore now so I just sit there in silence for a bit, trying to figure out what has gotten into him all of the sudden.

“Is it because of something I said?”

“What?”, he asks, frowning and shaking his head, “No, obviously not.”

“Or did I do something wrong?”
“No, Louis.”

“Come on, do you want me to do anything differently?”

“No, for fucks sake, you didn’t do anything wrong”, he says, way louder this time, “Nothing is your fault, if you’d just please let it be?”

“I don’t want to let it be”, I say, louder as well this time because I’m getting really confused with how he’s acting, “I want you to stop being like this.”

“Well, guess what, I can’t. This is what I’m like so if you can’t deal with it just leave again. I never asked you to come here in the first place.”

I’m a little taken aback by him talking to me like that so it takes me a second before I can come up with a reply. “What the fuck, Harry? What’s that supposed to mean? I didn’t want to come, I felt obligated to because you didn’t bring yourself to write me one little message.”

“Calm the fuck down”, he says, “Elia’s in the living room and I don’t want her to hear us shouting like this.”

“You were the one starting it in the first place, thank you very much.”

“Yeah, I never would’ve shouted if you’d just have dropped the goddamn topic.”

“Well, I didn’t.” I sigh, letting my face drop into my hands because of how stupid this is and how much he is getting on my nerves.

“Why not?”

“Because I fucking care about you”, I say, accidentally too loud again and let my hands drop onto the table.

He doesn’t day anything for a while so I just stare at the table and when I look up again, there’s tears streaming down his face.

“I’m sorry”, he says, trying to wipe away the tears with the palm of his hands, “I’m being unfair. I’m sorry.”

“Didn’t mean to make you cry”, I mumble, already growing less mad at his sight.

“It’s not you.” He takes a few deep breaths and looks as if he’s trying to find the right words to say as he stares at the wall next to me.

“Babe”, I say, getting up and walking around the table.

I bend down a little to hug him, letting my hand roam over his back carefully. “Not gonna lie, I’m a little mad at you still.”

“Understandable”, he mumbles, “’m sorry. It’s okay if you’d rather leave and go back home and never see me again because I’m such an idiot.”

“Shut up”, I say, stopping the hug to pull a chair closer and sit down right next to him. “Stupid thing to say.”

He nods. “Seem to be doing that a lot today. So you don’t wanna go back home?”

“I want to stay and have you explain why you ignored me for more than a day.”

He sighs. “Really don’t feel like talking and accidentally saying even more stupid stuff”, he says but then nods, “I’ll do it but only because it’s you.”


no worries drama can't last for more than a chapter


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