1) The Birth

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Twenty three years ago. On the planet Velion, in the town of Orcale the people of the town were blessed with several new members to increase the town's population. However, this is a story about a girl, who has a dark secret. Like her father, and all the first borns of the Knight family, was cursed.

In the hospital ward, was a new addition to the Knight family was being born.

"Come on Marie. The baby is almost here." A handsome raven haired man encouraged who was stood by the mother, his hand in hers as the mother, Marie screamed and she squeezed his hand.

Moments after that a baby's scream was heard. The father strode over to the doctor and midwife who held the baby.

"Well done you've given birth to a girl." The Midwife announced, as the doctor tried to hand the new born to her mother. Marie shook her head afraid. The father rolled his eyes, he'd have to address this problem sooner or later.

"Don't give her to me. Give her to Robin." She whimpered pointed to her husband. Robin smiled as his sapphire eyes welled up slightly taking his daughter from the doctor.

"Hello." He whispered looking at the little girl, laughing warmly. "I'm your new daddy."

"What name would you like to give her?" The midwife asked looking at Robin then Marie. Marie looked as nervous as a moment ago.

"Let him decide. It's his daughter." She declareed. Robin looked at Marie confused.

"She's your daughter too." He insisted calmly.

"No, she is yours!" She shouted. The daughter began to cry in Robin's arms, Robin bounced his daughter gently.

"Shush darling, it's alright. And Marie how can you say that, Your blood runs through her veins also." Robin argued, still calm, looking at Marie. The doctors cleaned up round the three not wanting to get involved in the dispute.

"I don't want anything to do with her. I wanted to put her up for adoption but you wanted to keep that wretched demon!" Marie screeched and then flopped back onto the bed, closing her eyes trying to relax.

"You don't know if she is cursed like I am." Robin looked down at his daughter and kisses her forehead gently. Marie rolled over sighing feeling anxious about the future.

"I don't want to risk it. You want to keep her, you name her." She mumbled then fell asleep trying to block her husband and the child out, Robin glanced at Marie and sighed before smiling.

"Kila...yes that will be your name. Kila Knight." He whispered as Kila made soft sounds causing Robin to chuckle. "I won't let your darkness wake up Kila. I'll protect you."

A few months or so passed, Marie and Robin had been happy that they had a new addition to the family, Kila was a very quick learner. While she couldn't actually talk yet but she could respond in her own way to question's her parents. The mother had even warmed up to the child. Occassionally trying to race Robin to the crib when Kila cried. This made Robin pleased, he was so worried his wife would reject the child. He'd often come home and find his wife reading to the child who was intently listening, her gorgeous sapphire eyes staring up at her mother, twinkling with happiness. When they would walk, many people would comment on how beautiful Kila's eyes were, how much they were like her father's, and how jealous they were of them. Kila would only babble in response with a smile.

However, Marie's involvement started dwindling. This caused Robin to sit her down and have a calm conversation.

"Dear, are you alright?" Robin asked as she nuzzled against his neck, his fingers running through her black hair, both were happily reclined on the couch, enjoying these fleeting tender moments.

"Yes, I am." Marie whispered. "I love our time like this."

"I mean, with Kila." Robin mumbled, he was surprised when she tensed up.

"Well, yes." She sighed nervous.

"What's wrong?" Robin asked insistantly.

"Er, I think I saw black." Marie whimpered biting her lip. "In her eyes."

"That's the pupil." Robin jested running his hands gently over Marie's arm, trying to help keep her calm. Marie giggled and lightly swatted his chest. This made Robin grin, Marie snuggled closer.

"I mean around the edges." Marie mumbled.

"Are you sure?" Robin questioned. Marie shook her head weakly.

"No, I mean I was tired at the time, I was putting Kila to sleep but I'm just worried." She announced. Robin nodded and kissed her hair.

"That's ok, I'll keep an eye on it. Thank you for letting me know your concerns." Robin smiled appreciatively but Marie hadn't seen that his eyes had lowered into a soft glare, yet another problem he'd have to deal with.

Ten months later, while Kila was sleeping, Robin and Marie was in the living room having an argument once again.

"I don't want anything to do with that demon!" Marie shouted.

"This again?! She's not a demon, she is our child. What has caused this" Robin retorted.

"Again! YOUR Child! She does have the darkness!" Marie snapped with tears running down her cheeks.

"Kila still is your daughter." Robin insisted.

"No! She is a monster." Marie whimpered.

"You know what. If you don't kick that attitude I'll kick you out of my house, out of my family and Out of my life. Not before showing you what my Darkness thinks of your behaviour." Robin threatened.

"NO! Don't leave me!" She cried. "I do love you please, I'll keep trying..."

Suddenly they heard the baby's cries from her crib. Robin got up and glaring at Marie as he went to see his daughter.

"Look, I can fix this, I will seal it before it's too late, just bare with me. Ok? I promise I can fix this." Robin insisted. Marie nodded drying her eyes.

He entered the babies room smiling at her as she cried, his sapphire eyes warm and loving as he gently picked up his daughter.

"Shush, shush, its ok Kila. Daddy is here..." He whispered rocking her kissing her forehead. "Did you hear us shouting, did I wake you up?"

He laughed as she murmered softly in an agreeing manner. He calmed his daughter as he sat on his bed as he talked to Kila. Telling her a story of his youth but also trying to get her to babble back in response. He saw her smile and her little giggles.

"I'll keep you safe my little princess." He whispered to Kila as she fell asleep again.


The Bloodline 8 - Kila's AwakeningWhere stories live. Discover now