9) Broken

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The fires blazed and danced over the Knight household, Hades stood watching in shock, the stone and woodwork becoming black. His home crumbling in front of him, his eyes scanning the ground, he spotted Marie curled up in a ball, barely moving. Hades sprinting over to his mother and skidded onto his knees beside her.
"Mom?" He murmured, his voice breaking both out of sadness and fear. Marie's eyes opened a slither, they were softly glazed, rolling as she tried to focus on Hades.
"Mom, who did this to the house...Where's Kila?" Hades asked, he looked up at the burning house. "Is she still inside?"
"No, she's the one who did this, well it actually her darkness did. It has awakened Hades. It's managed to get free of the chains." Marie whimpered this caused Hades eyes to dart back to her.
"You're sure?" He pushed, Marie nodded slowly rolling onto her back, revealing a large deep wound that span from her left shoulder blade down to her navel. Hades gasped once again lolling over the deep wound. In an instant he knew it was caused by a sword. A sword he gave her.
"But Robin had sealed it, right?" Hades continued, Marie nodded again but it was barely a movement anymore.
"I thought so too, I guess Kila's darkness was stronger than we first imagined." Marie wheezed. For a moment they both were silent. Marie coughed, turning her head to avoid spitting blood onto her son before looking up into his beautiful ruby eyes.
"Hades, I know that you'll probably be sent back to the after world's but can you find Kila, make sure she is safe." Marie requested.
"I will, I mean, I'll always protect Kila. I'm not going back to Azate." Hades assured. Marie let out a long raspy breath.
"It's funny. I used to be afraid of her darkness before it even grew. I guess, if I had told her about it instead of getting Robin to seal it, I probably wouldn't have been in this situation, if he could control it so could she." Marie feebly laughed. Hades knew that her life was fleeting, not by her statements but he saw her soul begin to rise, fading before flickering with strength. Hades' breath rattled as his eyes glazed over with tears.
"Mom, is this goodbye?" His voice trembled.
"I think it is Hades. Listen, you are, always have and always will be, a Knight. I am proud to call you my son." She whispered. Unsure what he should say. His arms cradled his mother as tears rolled rolled down his cheeks. His mother's body now becoming lifeless and heavy.
"I love you." She exhaled using the last words she could muster, closing her eyes.
"I love you too." Hades sobbed, her soul now flew out of her body, heading for the stars. Hades made his right hand become encased in a light blue flame. He reached up and grasped his mother's soul. The soul was a beautiful pale version of his mother but no longer a human, a gentle wisp that to regular people wouldn't be seen, unless like a ghost was trapped on the plain.
Hades took a moment to compose himself with his hand blazing as he still held onto his mother's soul.
"In the name of my father, Revoistal. I bless this soul with the wish of a god, may it find eternal peaceful rest." Hades insisted, the wisp was then bathed in a golden light before ebbing out taking the soul with it. The golden light caused Hades to smile knowing his request was accepted. He dried his eyes as he laid his mother's corpse on the floor. His eyes darted around as he heard approaching voices yelling various orders for the fire that was feeding off the Knight's home.
"You three, find the family. You two put out that fire. I'll find Robin's brat." A voice snapped,Hades recognized the very aggressive tones. Not wasting a moment Hades withered into a cloud of black smoke crawling along the floor, slipping past he owner's of the voices. The Frian guards stomped past he smoke as Hades watched them from the shadows while the guards ran over to Marie's corpse.
"Captain, we have a body." A woman yelled, her eyes roamed over Marie's body for any signs of life. Then Ian South rounded the corner of the building looking over at his team then down at Marie, Ian smirked.
"Hmph, the Knight line stops tonight...Look for any witnesses, Hades and Kila then kill them. Leya, report to Vandra, inform her that a nee darkness has awakened and broken the God's seal." Ian instructed.
"Yes sir." The woman answered bowed her head before sprinting towards the manor of Orcale's Over ruler. Having seen enough, Hades crept away from the property, a goal in mind that was more important than some repressive guards.
"Kila....where are you?" He whispered as he returned to his natural body, jogging to find his sister.
Kila, hunched up in a corner of her school's main entrance. Tears streaming down her cheeks, he lungs aching from crying, running and screaming she had endured after the demonic acts she performed earlier.
Hugging her knees tightly to her chest, Kila's long black hair hid her terrified face, her fingers and hands trembling from cold and fear. The amount of people her darkness had killed in one day, she knew she couldn't escape her fate. Her darkness had killed the people but who would believe her.
"Found you." a soft, soothing voice panted. Kila's eyes darted to see her brother stood smiling at her. The smile faded when Kila shifted back from him.
"Get away!" Kila shrieked, Hades slowly raised his hands to her.
"It's just me." Hades soothingly coaxed.
"But...I don't know who you really are...You're not my brother!" Kila screamed, Hades heart ached hearing that. His eyes didn't show his sadness though, they showed his anger.
"Yes. I wasn't born into this family but you are still my sister!" Hades yelled back. He suddenly gripped Kila's wrist, pulling her to her feet forcing her to look into his eyes.
"You're my sister Kila, I promised to keep you safe." Hades sighed his arms wrapping around her. Kila let out a weak sigh relaxing against his chest listening to his heartbeat.
"We will work through your darkness but we have to get out of here. " Hades explained. Kila's head moved slowly as she nodded.

"Hades....I killed people...I killed mom!" Kila cried, tears reformed but she sank her face into his chest.
"I know, I know but it wasn't you. It's what you were born with. All first born children of the Knight family had the same. Even your father. We need to go though Kila."
Hades looked around for guards hoping for a safe escape. He slowly lead Kila away from the school building.
"I'm going to take you to the cabin. Do you remember where that is?" Hades asked trying to get Kila's focus as she continued to panic, quietly but Hades saw it in her eyes. When Hades addressed her, Kila blinked looking over at him and nodded taking a deep breath.
"I think so, yeah." She whimpered.
"Good, if we get split up, keep heading there." Hades instructed. Despite her worry Kila agreed.
"Stop right there you two!" A guard yelled from behind the duo, Hades glanced behind him seeing three guards, the thing that surprised him was the Captain wasn't with them.
"Run." Hades whispered to Kila as he grabbed her hand and started to run. Kila glanced back at the guards pursuing them, in nervousness Kila's eyes widened and she returned her gaze to the direction she was going.
"Hades, I killed one of their children." She whined softly.
"It wasn't you." Hades replied tugging at her lightly encouraging her to go faster.
"We said 'Stop!'." Another guard member screeched, the siblings still didnt obey, their focus was the woodlands. The siblings were unaware till they were surrounded by Frian guards. Hades stopped Kila nervously as his eyes darted between each guard member.
"Look what we have here boys, its the Knight's brats..." Ian chuckled sadistically. The Frian guards who accompanied the captain smirked at the siblings maliciously.
"You've been a naughty girl Kila, you've killed your mother,your class mates and those poor neighbors." Ian accused stepping towards Kila with his elemental sword drawn. Hearing that the neighbors had been killed, Kila panicked glancing at Hades whose focus was on Ian.
"You killed those neighbors, not Kila! I heard you!" Hades answered furiously, trying to direct Kila to the forest without the guards noticing.
"Oh really? Well who do you think the town will believe, spawn of that traitorous wretch Robin or the Frian guard?" Ian ridiculed pointing his sword at Kila. "Kill them."
The guards roared and all leaped at Hades and Kila, lightning bolts, water streams, windy gales, fire balls all flew towards Kila. Hades growled his arms surrounded in black hell flames, lifting his left palm aiming at the guards, a small glowing orb appearing in his hand pulsating blue as it gains in strength.
"Stay away from my sister!" Hades vehemently cried as he blasted them away with his godly power, causing them all to be thrown back becoming burned by the blue light.
"You damn brat!" A guard member snarled.
"Kila, run!" Hades ordered glancing over his shoulder at her.
"But..." Kila whimpered looking up into his eyes.
"Kila go! I promise I'll find you again. Just go!" He demanded. Kila nodded kissing his cheek running off into the forest. Tears streaming down her cheeks again as she ran deeper into the forest.
Having lost her friends, family and home. Feeling the dark presence awaken in her become her only company. Kila just followed her feet running into the dark night towards whatever her future had in store.

End of Season One~

Hey guys, Kila here, I've finally got to finish the season one of this story. I am sorry some parts took longer than others to put up but hey its here now. I hope you all enjoy it and join me for Season Two!!

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