8) Darkness Arrives

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With Spring now firmly in place. Kila found herself training more and more even with a sword that Hades had bought her for Laznok. However, most days Kila trained alone, sprinting, increasing her stamina by running around the town. Her mother was working all day and night. An unfortunate sleep in shift. So Kila wouldn't see her mother till Monday evening. While Hades had left early in the morning before Kila had even woke up, he had began doing this more frequently. However, this wouldn't stop Kila's training but even as she ran she didn't spot her brother but he wasn't her true focus.

 So today Kila ran, earbuds in her ears playing a rock song that got her blood pumping. She ran through streets, alleyways, by lakes and through the market. Her eyes and mind working together as she focused intently, she took a deep breath and ran towards the woods that surrounded Orcale, her pace quickening as she began to push herself to her super speed. A light whistling surrounded Kila as the edges of her vision blurred due to her increasing speed.

"Come on, Come on!" Kila murmured to herself until. BOOM. She felt a rippling of the world around her. Her vision shifted to a fish eye type lens where she could only clearly see straight ahead, everything else was white, all the colors of the spectrum had blended together. Kila laughed as she pushed through the woodlands, leaping over bushes, dodging trees and flipping over streams. A wide grin on her face. She was amazed she could reach this speed. She watched as rain drops seem to fall from the skies in slow motion, she let out a gasp at the realization she was going faster than a rain drop. Faster than the effects of gravity. Kila looked up to the skies as she swiftly exited the woods, ecstatic that she reached such speeds. She ran through to the other side of town and back again within two minutes, what usually would take an hour if walking.

Kila's speed was suddenly halted as she stopped by the river that ran through the center, panting softly giving herself a break. Out of the corner of her eye she noticed Luke stood up to his knees weaving the water into art shaped by ice. Kila continued watching curiously, noticing Luke's hair was considerably longer than when they had met. Luke seemed lost in his magic as he didn't notice her arrival, He was too busy creating a family of swans seeming to dance as his hair shields his eyes.
"Beautiful, isn't it?" A soft feminine voice asked for beside her. Kila looked over and saw the woman from her past, the golden hair curled over her shoulder as the woman's amethyst eyes grinned down at the young boy in front of the pair, Kila's brain searching for the name Hades used for the woman. 

"Aretha?" Kila breathed softly, the goddess' eyes light up in surprise wondering how the brat remembered her name. Mentally shrugging it off, turned to face Kila.

"Where is your brother dear?" Aretha questioned, slowly walking away from the river watching Kila as she steps. Kila's gaze floated over to Luke who was no longer there. Feeling puzzled Kila looked around but found no trace of him.

"Huh?" Kila gasped thinking he vanished into thin air.

"Love makes us see things that aren't there, dear." Aretha giggled looking over her shoulder at Kila who now was following her. Kila scoffed rolling her eyes at the thought of loving Luke, he was attractive sure but Kila wasn't really interested in any of that. 

 "Now, I'll ask again, where is Hades?" Aretha purred.

"Er, I don't know, he left this morning before I was even awake. I guess he had errands to do for mom." Kila suggested.

"That's fascinating." Aretha rolled her eyes sarcastically before leading Kila down a quiet street. Kila felt her own body tense up, she felt something was wrong here, so she planted her feet refusing to move.

"What do you want?" Kila asked glaring the woman in front of her, her sapphire eyes diverted slightly scanning the street for any sign of a threat but the biggest threat stood right in front of her. The goddess of love turned to look at Kila, a devious grin on her face and a dangerous glint in her amethyst eyes.

The Bloodline 8 - Kila's AwakeningTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang