3) Siblings

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Little sandaled feet crunched along a stoney path, not far behind them were big booted feet running after the smaller feet. Both owner's were running through the streets of Orcale. One was a girl the other young man. The littler feet stumbled slightly but kept running passed people. The five year old girl ran smiling swerving in between people, heading towards the town center.

"Hey! Slow down!" The young man called but smiled.

"Nu uh! Gotta catch me!" The little girl sang giggling running faster as they got to the market.

"But Kila, you'll fall over!" He replied with panic layering his voice. The girl glanced back seeing her older brother chase after her. Her brother's ruby eyes widened as her movements became unbalanced.

"Ah Hades!" The young girl screamed, tripping over a loose slab and nearly falling into a fruit stand. Hades lunged forward scooping Kila up into his arms, Kila had closed her eyes preparing for the the fall but reopened them seeing Hades holding her, he smirked slightly looking into her sapphire eyes.

"You never listen to me, do you?" He grinned with a warm affectionate laugh. Kila blushed sticking out her bottom lip as her eyes widened and glazed over with tears.

"I am so sorry!" She whimpered and hugged him tightly throwing her arms around his neck. Hades shook his head chuckling looking ahead in the direction he was going.

"Why are you sorry? I am not angry, I was worried you'd hurt yourself." He smiled as he started walking again through the market. He glanced down at her. "You didn't hurt yourself, did you?"

"No, I'm ok." She said shaking her head looking up at Hades.

"Good then don't cry, I won't let anything hurt you." He brushed away Kila's small tears, Kila smiled up at him and rested her head on Hades shoulder. causing the people around them to smile happily at the scene.

"I know big brother!" Kila chirped giggling.

Hades walked further, holding Kila humming some generic tune. Hades suddenly stopped, his arms tightened around Kila protectively, Kila looked ahead to see what her brother had spotted. Her eyebrows widened in confusion seeing a tall male who had jet black windswept hair, grey eyes and his clothes were the same as the Frian guard. The guard was staring at Kila with amusement in his eyes. Kila glanced up to her brother seeing his eyes were lowered into a glare at the guard member.

"Beat it..." Hades whispered as black smoke curled round his fingers. The guard just chuckled.

"You are Hades Knight, aren't you?" The guard asked stepping closer.

"Yeah, so?" Hades snapped.

"Then this must be Robin's and Marie's little girl. You are Kila right?" The guard mumbled watching Kila. Kila nodded nervously feeling Hades becoming tense.

"Look, back off." Hades demanded.

"So Kila, how does it feel? Knowing your dad was arrested then killed for treason. Just. For. You." The guard smirked. Kila felt afraid, confused and sad at the same time.

"My dad? Did you know him?" She murmered. Hades put Kila down on her feet gently despite his increasing rage, he clenched his fists.

"Cover your eyes Kila, I don't want you to see this." Hades pleaded. Kila nodded closing her eyes and then putting her hands over them for good measure. Satisfied Hades smiled then turned his attention to the guard with a smirk on his face, the guard retorted with a smug grin of his own.

"What's wrong kid? Did I strike a nerve? Wasn't my fault your father was a filthy traitor." The guard chuckled.

"Better cover those ears too Kila." Hades instructed. Kila nodded again moving her hands to her ears. When Hades was pleased he rolled up the sleeves of his jacket.

The Bloodline 8 - Kila's AwakeningWhere stories live. Discover now