4) Learning New Tricks

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Night had blanketed the skies and Kila was getting ready to sleep, her mother was tucking her in softly, perching on the bed, smiling as she brushed Kila's black hair back out of her face.

"Mum, can you tell me a bed time story?" Kila asked sweetly.

"Of course sweetheart, are you comfortable" Marie queried. Kila grabbed her plush grey wolf called Zero, snuggling deeper into her bed with him and then nodded at her mother to proceed. Marie giggled then thought for a moment.

"Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess called Kila, her kindness and strength was known across the land. She lived in a beautiful white palace with her family, happy because her citizens were happy. One day, she was in her palace with her pet wolf Zero when she heard screams from her city. The Princess darted over to the window and saw a giant robot terrorising the city. Kila didn't hesitate, she whistled for her horse while equipping herself with the finest sword that fairies had created, a black stallion called Jet came thundering into the palace, she leapt onto Jet and they galloped out of the palace heading to this evil robot. Jet galloped as fast as he could until they arrived at where the robot was. It spotted Kila and began to swing at her with its long arms and shot laser beams at her. Kila drew her sword and made the laser beam bounce off of the sword and cut through the robots arms. However, Kila wasn't alone to save the city. A handsome young prince appeared on a majestic white stallion. He smiled and winked at Kila before jumping off of his horse and flying up to the robots head. With a slash of the prince's sword, the robot had started to malfunction and then died shooting off into the sky as pretty fireworks. While the prince flew back down to the beautiful princess. He took her hand making a perfect rose appear in his hand and offered it to Kila. She took the rose as the prince knelt down and -" Marie told but got interrupted by her son.

"And the prince got a punch in the jaw, by the princess's royal guard. Also known as big brother." Hades finished with a smirk, his body leaning against the door frame. Marie rolled her eyes laughing and Kila giggled.

"Big brother! Mum was telling the story." Kila whined playfully.

"I prefer my ending better." Hades chuckled walking over to the mother and daughter. He leant down and kissed Kila's forehead affectionately.

"It seems you don't have to worry about big monsters with Hades around, right Kila?" Marie questioned. Kila laughed shaking her head reaching up to hug her brother.

"Nope, he will protect me!" Kila replied then let a very drowsy yawn escape her. Her arms loosened around Hades, who gently laid her back in bed, tucking her in with Zero.

"That's right. For now though, you get some sleep. Me and you have a big day planned tomorrow." Hades smiled. Kila murmured a confirmation snuggling back into her thick blanket.

"Goodnight sweetheart." Marie whispered kissing Kila's forehead lovingly then she stood up noticing Kila had already drifted off to sleep. Marie left the room with Hades slowly following behind. He stopped at the door casting Kila a glance and grinned.

"Goodnight princess." He cooed, flicking off the light and closing the door behind him as he left.

The next morning Kila was awoken by her brother gently shaking her body.

"Kila...Hey Kila. Wake up." He carefully called. Kila grumbled softly as she awakened from her deep sleep. Her sapphire eyes opening slightly, glancing around the room seeing her older brother leaning over her. Surprised, her eyes flickered slightly as she sat up, rubbing her eyes. While Hades leant back allowing her to move.

"What time is it?" She inquired quietly.

"Half seven." Hades informed. Kila groaned inwardly but swung her legs over the edge of the bed.

The Bloodline 8 - Kila's AwakeningWhere stories live. Discover now