7) Preparation and Strength

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At the weekend, after the first week at school. Kila insisted on more training with Hades, which not only surprised him but also relieved him. As they walked out of Orcale towards the woodlands together, Hades decided to address the matter.

"So, what brought this on?" Hades asked as they trekked into the woodlands. Kila glanced over at her brother before returning to look forward to their destination as she pushed some foliage out of the way.

"Some of the kids at school said I was a demon. They threw a book at me in class, so I want to be able to defend myself if they get an idea to kick it up" Kila explained sighing. Hades stopped walking as he stared at Kila angrily, not directing at her but at the fact that people were bullying her.

"You are being bullied? Why didn't you tell me?" Hades growled. Kila stopped also, looking up at him surprised.

"I just did. Besides, I don't want you to keep fighting my battles." Kila stated, Hades shrugged and began walking again causing to follow.

"Well, I don't entirely agree with that but...I'll teach you how to fight. Especially since that's what your name means." Hades replied.

"It does?" Kila asked overjoyed.

"Mhm, dad thought you'd be a fighter for peace." Hades informed, remembering what Robin had said during the 'execution'.

"He thought, I could do that?" she gasped surprised. Hades nodded grinning with pride.

"Yeah, and I believe that you can too." Hades admitted.

The two shortly arrived at a meadow on the other side of the woodlands. Hades walked further out into the meadow. Kila stepped out, she gazed around at the meadow, mountains were along the horizon, luscious blades of grass blanketed the land. Kila smiled widely at the environment. Never having seen further land then the trees that surround Orcale. Kila was in awe. Hades watched her silently, he folded his arms over his chest as his lips curled into a lazy grin.

"This is amazing." Kila breathed.

"You don't get to hear much about the outside world much yet, do you?" Hades asked, Kila shook her as she joined her brother out on the meadow.

"Well Kila, we have plenty of time to see the world later in life but for now,  let's get training." Hades suggested.
"Yeah!" Kila cheered eagerly.

The training began with Hades teaching Kila about different stance while he stood opposite his sister.
"Which hand do you write with? " Hades asked.
"Right." She informed him.
"OK, place your left foot in front of your right, and have your body at an angle where you are almost stood sideways. Like this..." Hades directed as he maneuvered his body, placing his left foot in front of his body, turning so his shoulders were level with his feet. After watching, Kila copied his movements and stood in the correct position causing Hades to grin.
"Good but that's the easy part. Now raise your left arm and use it to be your block." Hades instructed. Kila again, did as she was told and moved into the position.
"And now prepare your right hand, you will use that to strike."
"Flat palmed or fist?" Kila questioned as her right moved to a position she felt comfortable with.
"Excellent question Kila! For this style fighting use a fist." Hades answered as he demonstrated, a quick three punch jab alternating between each fist before using his left foot to swing a kick into the air,  Kila watched with a smile and attempted the same motion but ended up falling onto her butt after missing her stride for the kick. Hades chuckled and helped her to her feet.
"Good try, I'm sure you'll crack it in no time." He assured.
After three hours learning new combat styles Hades stopped the training for the two to have a short break. Both of them sitting in the luscious grass looking up at the sky.
"Hades..," Kila muttered,a nagging sensation in her gut.
"Huh? Yeah Kila?" He replied glancing at her worried.
"Is there something wrong with me?"
"Something wrong? Like what?"
"I don't know,  just how we've been treated. I've noticed it's been directed at me. Am I a demon, honestly? "
"Tch, nope. You're no demon. You're my little sister who is a fast learner, soon to be a strong fighter and a super sweet girl. Honestly,  I'd not ask for a better sister, you're the best I could ask for." Hades grinned. Kila smiled widely and hugged Hades affectionately.
"You're the awesome-st!" Kila giggled.
"True but I doubt you'll say that shortly." Hades smirked pushing himself to his feet.
"Why?" Kila asked curiously.
"Because we need to spar. Gives you an excuse to use those skills." Hades taunted.
"Right now?"
"Yes, right now!" Hades laughed as Kila released him, stepping back.
"But you're stronger than me." Kila retorted. She leaped back as Hades suddenly swung his right fist at her.
Kila's left arm quickly raised to block his attack. "There will always be someone stronger than you. You just have to think of ways to overcome that." Hades encouraged as he planted a hand on the floor using some momentum to spin around kicking his leg out at Kila, leaving her barely a moment to jump out of the way. When Hades rose again Kila swung her left leg out at him aiming for the back of his knee.  Hades smirked and pushed himself into a back flip avoiding the kick but while he was quickly rearranging his stance Kila used the three punch strike she had learnt earlier, two out of the three strikes were blocked but the final strike hit Hades in the chest, Hades felt slightly jarred at the surprisingly strong strike. However, he decided to continue despite seeing a change in Kila.

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