6) Friend and Foes.

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The lunch bell rang and Kila had already found a seat in the cafeteria, Sat alone near the windows, she opened up her blue lunch box and was welcomed by the scent of chicken. She smiled wide, thankful that her mother made her a chicken sandwich.
"Er, hey. Is it ok if I sit here?" A small voice asked her. Kila looked up and saw the wolf boy from her class, stood opposite her. Kila nodded and grinned kindly.
"Sure." She agreed. The boy wagged his bushy brown tail and sat down with a smile on his face, his sharp fangs on show but not in an aggressive manner. They both were surprised by the cat girl and a human from their class sitting down with the pair.
"Kila, right?" The girl asked her grey eyes staring into Kila's sapphire ones.
"Yeah, that's me." Kila confirmed.
"I am Mona." The cat girl beamed as she introduced herself. Kila looked at Mona's ears and tail, the fur coating them was a grey turtle shell pattern which matched her eye color but her hair was black and cropped at her shoulders.
"I am Luke." The Human boy whispered, his voice was soft and calming. His green eyes twinkled through dark eyelashes. His blonde hair was short and spiked.
'He seems to be a very quiet type' Kila thought.
"And I am Adrien." The wolf stated as he ran a hand through his dark brown windswept hair that fell around his face, his lips turned into a gentle smile. Brushing his hair from his crystal blue eyes, he kept his gaze fixed on Kila.
"It's nice to meet you all." Kila replied, her voice not protraying it but right now, she was so nervous she could feel her hands heating up her chicken sandwich.
"You did really well this morning." Adrien complimented as he opened his lunch.
"Thank you, it's really confusing that I can sort of do transformations." Kila mumbled.
"It is just who you are. Like me for example, I can create ice." Luke spoke, his voice still quiet but loud enough for the table to hear.
"Ice? But you didn't show us that this morning." Mona whined sadly.
"I wasn't feeling up to it this morning. Too many people. It's a confidence thing." Luke shrugged but opened his palm and created a tiny cat figure in his palm using his ice. Kila and Mona gasped amazed looking at the figure.
"That's so awesome." Mona cheered. Adrien scowled at Luke briefly feeling jealous. Remembering from class Kila glanced at Adrien.
"You're a shifter, right Adrien?" Kila questioned only just missing the scowl on the wolf boy. His face softened as he looked at Kila.
"Er, yeah. Just between wolf and this form though. I can't shift into many animals like I'm sure you can." He responded quite solemnly.
"But what's wrong with that? Wolves are amazing. They are so strong and fast." Kila exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with excitement as she talked about her favourite animals. The look in her eyes made Adrien blush ever so slightly.
"You really think that?" He breathed out timidly.
"Yes!" Kila admitted as she nodded. Adrien chuckled at her softly.
"Well thanks Kila." He gratefully answered. Luke and Adrien looked at Mona.
"You can stand on ceilings right?" Luke asked her.
"Yeah. Like Adrien I can shift between my animal form and this one also." She informed. The four of them spent the entire lunch break getting to know each other, eating lunch and sharing jokes. Kila was smiling wide the entire time, happy she made friends on the first day.
The day went by quickly, Adrien had stuck by Kila's side like glue. In writing class he practically pushed Luke away to sit beside her.
"I'm sitting with her." Adrien barked slipping into the seat beside her. Kila looked at them both with wide eyes. She then sighed softly and looked to the board.
"Fine, whatever." Luke sighed moving towards a seat by the window.
"What was that about?" Kila asked nonchalantly.
"I just wanted to be with you." Adrien explained. This caused Kila to shrug.
"You didnt have to shove Luke, you could have just asked." Kila reprimanded. Adrien's ears lowered.
"That was a bit of a jerk move, wasn't it? I'm sorry." He whimpered.
"It's Ok. I forgive you. " Kila giggled, causing an infectious grin to spread onto Adrien's face.
The pair worked together quietly until the teacher left the room momentarily then a hard object flew into the back of Kila's head. Looking around Kila noticed a book on the floor behind her as she gently rubbed her head.
"Ouch." She murmered. Adrien looked up at her seeing the book on the floor.
"Are you ok?" He queried.
"Hey! You're a Knight right?" A girl snapped from behind the pair. Looking over Kila noticed a human girl with jet black hair tied into a side pony tail. Her eyes a soft chocolate colour. Her expression was menacing which caused Kila to shiver internally.

"Yeah..." Kila answered. The girl's chair screeched backwards as she stood up.
"So, you are the demon my father talks about." She snarled stepping closer to Kila's.
"And you are?" Kila blinked confused.
"Billy South, my father is Ian South." She replied. Hearing Ian South caused most of the classroom to whisper amazed. Kila looked puzzled at the class before gazing back to Billy.
"Yeah?" Kila breathed still curious to her problem.
"Kila, Ian is the captain of the Frian guard, has been for fifteen years." Adrien whispered.
"Ooooh." Kila mumbled. "And?"
"Stupid demon! My father killed your father. How dare the school allow the daughter of the traitor Robin Knight, enter the building?!" Billy yelled. Again the class whispered but this time it was one of shock. Feeling nervous, Kila sank in her seat.
"I didn't do anything.." Kila whined.
"You were born!" One of Billy's friends retorted, a boy with green hair and green eyes. Adrien looked at Billy and her friend. His fangs now on show but for a different reason.
"What's it to you?!" Adrien snarled.
"My mother is of the Frian guard too. Every member of the Frian guard know what Robin did. As does their family." The boy explained.
"What does my birth have to do with my father being a traitor?" Kila asked.
"You are a demon!" Billy shouted.
"There is no such thing as a demon." Adrien insisted as he suddenly got up from his chair and leapt up, transforming into a brown wolf landing on their table, snarling and growling as his teeth snapped at the Frian guards children. His bristles stood up as he protected Kila.
"Adrien Sparks! Get off that table immediately and change back right now! I will not tolerate that aggressive behaviourin my classroom." The teacher, Mr Grove, bellowed. Adrien did as he was told.
"Well tell, Billy and Saxon that Kila is not a demon." Adrien mumbled.
"Oh, were they bullying miss Knight while I was away?" Mr Grove asked raising an eyebrow looking at Kila. Who at this point was trembling as she glanced at the teacher then at the book behind her.Mr Grove followed her gaze and walked over to the book picking it up.
"I will not allow bullying to take place in my class miss South. You and your friend, Saxon can stay behind for detention after school." Mr Grove ordered.
"What?! It's the first day of school!" Saxon cried out.
"That's correct, it's the first day and you have already resulted to bullying." Mr Grove sneered. Adrien smirked and sat beside Kila, he put a hand on her back to soothe her as she seemed to be in her own world.
Inside her mind where even Kila couldn't see, a chain resided it was caccooning something that now had begun to move and rattle the chains. The little outburst have started to loosen the chains. For now, what was trapped was unable to escape but for how long?
"And Mr Sparks, I want you to write an entire page essay of why wolves are deadly creatures and why you shouldn't threaten people in that form by Thursday." Mr Grove demanded.
"Yes Sir." Adrien nodded happy with that outcome. Kila snapped out of her small daze and looked at Adrien.
"Thank you." She whispered.
"It's alright, you're my friend." Adrien grinned.

When the school day was over, Kila was stood outside the school building waiting for her big brother. Once again, she was joined by Adrien who stood in front of her.
"Look Kila, I know what your father did but I don't care it does not mean that you are the same. You are my friend and I will protect you no matter what. You can count on me." He winked with a cheeky smile. Kila giggled and nodded.
"Thank you Adrien." Kila replied, both became covered by a tall shadow.
A deep voice growled behind Adrien, they both glanced up and saw Hades glaring down at the wolf with his ruby eyes. Adrien whimpered quietly making himself smaller as he looked up at the intimidating man.
"Beat it." Hades whispered jerking his head, indicating for Adrien to run.
"Er, er. Bye Kila...see ya tomorrow." Adrien stammered before running off.
"Bye Adrien." Kila replied watching him flee before shooting her brother a small glare. Hades chuckled shrugging.
"Told you I can be scary." Hades teased, this caused Kila to giggle, Hades offered Kila his hand, she eagerly took it and the both began walking home.

The Bloodline 8 - Kila's AwakeningWhere stories live. Discover now