2) Seal, Addition and Removal.

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A few months after Kila's first birthday, Robin had quietly snuck into Kila's room grasping a scripture in his left hand and in his right hand was a small box which contained five small unlit candles, a dagger, chalk and a lighter. He stepped over to the centre of the room. Laying the items on the floor he opened the scripture and started to copy the diagrams. Drawing a five pointed star in chalk, placing a candle at each of the star's point, He grabbed his dagger and pricked his finger, letting the blood drip down. He then wrote Lock and Chain in a circle around the star in Velion runes with blood. Then Robin picked up the sleeping Kila, kissing her forehead and laid her on the floor in the centre of the star.

"Well, my sweet daughter, I will bestow this gift on you before they find me. It shall protect you." He whispered, glancing at the scroll once again he began to read out the words on the scroll. "Those seven beings that as one unity manipulates our world. Revoistal, Aretha, Darvanee, Curnavil, Marnole, Scorlava and Adalan. I call upon your power and guidance. I call upon your strength and wisdom to create a chain on my daughter's darkness. To keep her safe from the monster within and to protect the beautiful things you have created on Velion from the darkness."

Suddenly seven heavenly clusters appeared in the room surrounding Robin and Kila.

"Robin Engelero Knight. You do realize what you are asking of us?" A womanly voice called from a light pink wisp.

"I do Aretha. I have gone to dangerous lengths to summon you." Robin looked at the feminine pink wisp.

"Well, you must understand also, we need something in return for this task." A gruff voice mentioned, Robin glanced at the silver wisp that demanded elegance and respect.

"I understand. Name your price." Robin announced.

"I suggest that in replacement of sealing that demon, We unleash one of our own onto the world" The god of all, the silver wisp, announced."I banish Hades onto Velion, brother Revoistal make arrangements immediately!"

"My son?! But he is not a demon!" Revoistal, a black wisp, argued sadly.

"Silence. It is what I have decided, He shall be placed on Velion." Adalan bellowed.

"What does that have to do with me?" Robin puzzled.

"You are to take care of Hades." Adalan answered.

"Treat him as your own son!" Revoistal demanded. "If this is what my brother decided, please take this request from me."

"I will do as you command me." Robin nodded and bowed. "It may take a bit of explaining to my wife though, Ha~"

Two wisps chuckled slightly, the green and the lilac. Then the lights from the wisps swirled together above Kila and Robin before they weaved and formed a chain which glowed over Kila's forehead and heart.

"While it is strong now there is no guarantee it will stay at this strength." The Goddess Marnole instructed. Robin nodded taking in the information as the wisps faded out slowly.

"Hades shall be with your family shortly. As a godly body, his physical appearance doesn't age." Aladan informed.

"I understand." Robin resolved. And a second later Robin and Kila was alone in her bedroom. He smiled looking at his daughter picking her up and laying her back into her crib. As Robin cleaned up around her bedroom, he heard Marie scream. He ran out into the living room seeing Marie cowering on the couch as five robed men stand in the living room with elemental sword in their hands.

A man in a white robes with blue trimming looked over at Robin, he grinned maliciously obviously the captain of the squad.

"Just the man I was looking for, you've caused a lot of trouble Robin Knight. Stealing ancient scriptures, killing some of the Frian guards and not only that you have been wanted for treason by the Orcale's council. So for that, you are under arrest." He smirked pointing the tip of his blade at Robin. Marie shrieked leaping up.

The Bloodline 8 - Kila's AwakeningWhere stories live. Discover now