Not that Bad!

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"No no, absolutely not brother, I'm telling you, it wasn't a wise move. "
Mahamaya's voice was quite audible from even outside the door of the modest porched hut. Manaranjan was squatting outside, at the clay verandah, slicing banana leaves, probably for a meal. He looked up as Raimoti entered the premises, carefully latching the bamboo barricade forming an entrance at the front. She too had heard Mahamaya speak.

"I can't... I just can't let her ruin this... I've lost too much to lose now brother. " Her tone was harsh and unapologetic. And then Raimoti heard Satyakirth's voice, calm and composed as ever.

"Give her a chance Maya Di. She'll prove herself, and she has on numerous occasions before. She isn't a liability... Come on! "

"That's your weak heart speaking brother, not your strong mind." Mahamaya huffed. "She's that Neelmoni's daughter Satya!! How can you just ignore that? Have you forgotten already how he brutally... "

Raimoti couldn't stand anymore. Ignoring Manaranjan's presence, she stormed inside the room and stood in front of them, Satya was seated on the floor, a bunch of papers laid in front and Mahamaya was standing in front of him. Raimoti too stood beside her.

"So you are playing the bitchy sister-in-law already, are you?" She raised an eyebrow and looked straight at Maha without any prior pretence.

Satya pressed a smile on his lips, and Mahamaya looked away.

"My brother is a stupid man in love Raimoti madam. At least you should understand better. "
She sighed.

"What is with this Madam thing? Why such an unnecessary elaborate salutation?" Raimoti asked instead.

"Why not?" Came a prompt reply. "You're everything that I... We, all despise. Pro-British, pseudo elite, western educated, rich!" She chuckled, "Tell me madam, what else should I address you as?"

"Why Rai... "
Raimoti smiled, a brief exchange of glance with Satyakirth, and he too smiled back, before diving into those papers once again.
His soul sister, and his lady love was having a 'conversation' and under no circumstances, Satyakirth wished to be an active part of it.

Raimoti however had inched forward, keeping her hand on Mahamaya's shoulder.
"Don't hate me so much Mahamaya. I won't call you didi till you don't ask me to... " She paused, smiling calmly. "But tell me, do you really love your brother? Do you really know him? Trust him? "

"I do. " Mahamaya gulped.

"Then don't mistrust his judgement... I was born to riches, so was he... We don't have control over that, but we both took charge to change our destiny... And now, my destiny is where he leads me to! "
Raimoti left Mahamaya's shoulder and sighed deeply.
"My father's sins are limitless, and with my life I'm ready to repent... I wasn't a patriot like you, but I chose to come out of my house in one single cloth with this man sitting here." Raimoti pointed toward Satyakirth and he too raised his head, and then his hand to touch her fingers. Their fingers entwined with each other's for a moment.
"I love this man here, your brother, and trust me when I say this... I can do and go to any extent for him... " She paused, thinking, "and if this mission is his life's purpose, then it's my life's purpose too. "

She sighed again and closed her eyes, and Satyakirth got up slowly, and stretched his arms, taking Raimoti in a silent embrace. Raimoti too rested her head in his chest, smiling faintly. No words were needed, as this small action was more than fighting for her with swords and shields.

Mahamaya smiled too, and then left, silently, leaving the duo inside the hut, tied in each other's embrace.

"Was my princess caught stealing pickles today? " Satya planted a soft kiss on her Vermilioned hairline.

The Unventured Passions Book-2 Where stories live. Discover now