chapter 1

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a breif walk ahead to
his apartment complex. on his way, he sees some blond dude around acting like he just found out he had one minute left to live.

"what- hello?!?! this is like more than a million mora! i can't just get that in a month?!" the blond was practically ripping out his hair.

"well damn, this guy's making a huge scene."
alhaitham furrowed his brows as he looked at the yelling man. trying to pass through to get in the elevator.

"where am i supposed to live?!"

"how's that my problem?! ..alhaitham! go live with alhaitham!" the girl that the blond was in debt to pointed. the gray haired turned around slowly. he tried to keep a smile alive, "no, no one's living in my house." alhaitham glared at the small girl. "wait, dori who's that"

alhaitham's eyes squinted. "im not letting a rando come in my house and thats it." alhaitham pressed the up button on the elevator. "just for awhile till kaveh gets back the mora! he'll just live in there for awhile" dori pleaded with faces and gestures. the gray haired guy was still glaring. but he knew dori isn't the type to give up and is always stubborn.

he sighed, "fine. im only letting this dude come in because he has no where to live and i pitied him." the elevator door slid open and haitham stepped in. dori was practically all yays now that alhaitham agreed.

"what are you doing? you wanna have a place to sleep then you have 3 seconds to get in this elevator." alhaitham put a hand on his hip and waited. the blond pointed a thought but he had no time to think. "fiesty." he smirked.

the elevator doors close and it was just the two in the elevator. it was awkwardly quiet. a few floors up the two got out the elevator and walked through the hallways.

room 1561 floor 14.
the door suddenly opened and alhaitham opened the lights as the blond followed. "im kaveh by the way" kaveh looked around the apartment. "alhaitham." he responded. kaveh hummed in amusement "so you're like rich rich?" he walked around.

stacks of grocery bags were dropped on the counter and alhaitham started restocking cabinets. "dammnn, this is a real nice place" kaveh looked around more. a sigh came out of haitham's mouth, "okay, let's set some rules." he leant on the counter and the blond immediately came back to where alhaitham was at. "oh yay. rules." kaveh did not sound excited.

"okay, one don't touch my shit, two don't misbehave when im away, three don't even dare to steal my money, four you do your own laundry, five don't go in my room, six clean up your mess."

kaveh was just nodding to all the rules alhaitham just said. "oookay haitham guy, you go to any of the akademiya?" kaveh reached in the grocery bags, took a snack and opened it. he smiled at the look of alhaitham's face. "haravatat." alhaitham responded, "kshahrewer" kaveh smiled. he observed alhaitham's face.

"if you're gonna stare don't make it obvious at least?" haitham went back to restocking his cabinets.

"it's always the pretty ones who have additude." kaveh took a seat in front of the counters and watched alhaitham restock the cabinets full. he munched on the chips and squinted his eyes. "do you like wearing those type of shirts? they look fucking tight" he blurted. "they're.. comfortable? i guess." alhaitham grunted as he put stuff in higher cabinets.

"well to be honest, it makes you look sexy."

"im sorry what"
alhaitham quickly turned around and looked at kaveh in a disgusted and confused face. the blond raised his hands in denfense "no homo though." haitham's brows furrowed.
the silence began again. it looks like haitham's gonna start cooking lunch. he reached in the fridge to grab some vegatables at the bottom.

as kaveh watched, he realized alhaitham wearing headphones. the wire.. going behind him- "hey, haitham is your headphones connected to your ass?-"

"okay. that's enough go and do something else." alhaitham got back up and glared at kaveh. he waved his hand in a 'go away' gesture. after a second kaveh finally got up.
"you got like alcohol or wine?" he asked, making his way near the fridge and cabinets.
"no, i don't."

a loud small laugh came out of the blond's lips and looked through the cabinets and found the secret stash, "well looky here" he smirked at alhaitham. haitham led out an irritated sigh. kaveh popped a bottle cap off. just as alhaitham was gonna tell, "hey! don't drink from the!-" too late. he already did. "whoops" the blond mouthed, "sorry, not sorry" and a wink.

it digusted alhaitham and gave him a grossed out face. "keep it whatever." alhaitham grabbed out a pot and pan. filled one with water. from haitham's side eye, he watched kaveh leave the kitchen island till his presence wasn't there anymore.

he grabbed his cutting board, knife, and tomatos and started chopping. slicing the tomatos in half and chopping them in to small peices. suddenly something that he knew was not wind, but hot breath and the smell of alchohol booze. "what the fuck?!" alhaitham jumped, turned and pointed the knife that was covered in tomato juice at kaveh. the blond immediately rose his hands up in the air, one of them holding the bottle of alchohol.

"fuck- don't sneak up on me like that— sorry"

"what 'ya cooking?"

haitham turned back and continued chopping tomatos. as for kaveh, he was all up in alhaitham's nose questioning what he was cooking. at this point he was gonna chop off that motherfucker's tongue if he doesn't stop asking questions. "im cooking butter chicken." haitham looked at kaveh as he finished cutting the tomatos. the blond placed down the bottle of alchohol that was just finished, in front of alhaitham.

the try not to be shocked face from alhaitham looked hilarious to kaveh as he saw the bottle that he just drank empty. "okay you finished the bottle, what do you want me to do?" he rolled his eyes and made his way to the fridge.

just mid way to the fridge, "now hold on there just a moment" the blond crossed his arms. alhaitham turned around finding kaveh walking towards him. "fucking weirdo" he thought.

alhaitham's annoyed and half lidded eyes were turned into widen eyes. another's hands grabbing his waist traveling down. kaveh's mouth smelt and reeked of booze. something soft and slightly wet were set upon his own lips. alhaitham was like a stoned statue.
it took him moments to realize they were kissing.

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