chapter 34

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kaveh had been out the whole day at it almost seemed like he had moved out. but his stuff was here, or maybe he was just at work. normally the blonde would just come swinging his dick at alhaitham and begging for forgiveness but it seems like its different.. reading his book in silence without any interruption was nice, but he had gotten so used to being bothered and having no time to read when the blonde was around. 

well, embarrassment isn't just that, that's making him so quiet and distant. 

kaveh furrowed his brows as he tried to find a way to contact tighnari. he took a sip of his going cold coffee, slouched as he looked to focus trying to find some information about tighnari like a stalker.  

while his phone was probably so close up into his face, a high pitched voice caught his attention. "h-hey guys wait up!" short, green haired, natured vibes girl. she sped walk behind two other people in front of her. "holy shit, what a coincidence." he blurted out as the other two were tighnari and cyno.

he grabbed his things and ran up to them, "hey guys!" he stopped in front of them, "oh, and hi collei." he added with a smile. "kaveh, what're you doing here?" tighnari asked with a surprised tone as he nearly fell back when kaveh jumped out of nowhere. and as expected, that cold look from cyno nearly drilled a hole into him. 

cyno pushed him aside, dragging tighnari along with him. "well, you know.." kaveh walked behind them, "no, we don't know." the white haired said dryly. a sigh came out of kaveh's mouth at cyno's difficultness. 

"tighnari, are you free? i need your help.." he asked hesitantly. "sure, what's up?--" "he's not free." cyno cut tighnari off and practically gave the blonde a death stare. "im in a situation right here.." kaveh gave out a nervous laugh. 

a loud grunt came out of cyno as tighnari elbowed him at his rib. "what's wrong, kaveh?" he asked as they sat down at a nearby four table. they talked over a few sweets and snacks as the blonde tried to explain the situation in a way that is not so obvious he's the one who fucked up.

to his surprise, his explanation still left the two shocked. as for collei, she was just there listening quietly. "stop being a pussy and apologize." the white haired said and leaned back into his chair while crossing his arms. "'ya think i haven't done that?" kaveh rolled his eyes and scoffed at cyno.

"alhaitham wouldn't be that bad.." the fox eared said as he brought up a hand to his face in thought. cyno sighed, "isn't it obvious? he's the problem here." he pointed out. kaveh scratched his head nervously, "well would you look at that! I think i have an appointment, gotta flash!" 

he grabbed his things as quickly and skipped his way out there. maybe that wasn't a great idea to interrupt their.. date? but he obviously did not have a plan for that. the blonde sighed as he tied his hair into a pony and sat down underneath the shade.  he laid his head on the table a he was getting lost in his mind. 

there wasn't much he could do anymore. alhaitham also has admitted his own life is fucked up because of him too. a groan came out of his mouth from his overwhelming thoughts as he picked up his head. he might as well just move out. he brought his hand up to his mouth and began to bite his nails as his other hand pulled out his phone.

as he scrolled onto his phone, a notification popped up on his screen followed with a ding sound. 

"I know you've tried apologizing, but maybe try to apologize to him step by step!" it was from tighnari. kaveh's brows rose at the text and he let out a huge 'ohh' in realization. he went into thought for how to apologize. 


kaveh: but how should I apologize?

nari: books! there's a book he has been eyeing for awhile but he's saving up. i'll send you the link on where to buy.

well, guess kaveh had to buy alhaitham a book just to get his forgiveness. a huff came out as he clicked on the link that tighnari had sent him. the blonde bought the book without any second thoughts and it was already on it's way shipping. after that, kaveh finally went home and called it a day.

the door knob wriggled and twisted till the door opened. a low grunt came as kaveh stepped inside the place and took off his shoes. he looked below as he placed his shoes on the racket. the architect's brows furrowed as he noticed unfamiliar shoes laying around the floor. he took a deep breath, remembering he shouldn't be like before. 

after kaveh had shut the door behind him, alhaitham got out of his room to see who it obviously was. the gray haired didn't say anything but get a few things that was left on the couch. just before kaveh was about to go in the room the same guy came out of alhaitham's room.

as if he was just here to annoy him.

kaveh rolled his eyes and sighed, slamming his door shut on the two of them. so what if it was just to alhaitham's plan as revenge. yeah, it did make him jealous multiple times and it still does now. 

he flopped his body onto his bed with a heaved, exhausted breath. he shouldn't be jealous. he was serious about moving out anyways. which also meant working more harder for enough money to move out. though it was a pussy idea, he thought. he was also going to earn alhaitham's forgiveness along the way. 

drowsiness caught up to him and his eyes were slowly closing for a small nap--until he could start to hear the laughter and loud conversations with the two. kaveh groaned loudly but hopefully not loud enough for them to hear. 

it was going to be a long journey.


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