chapter 25

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"im sorry i couldn't hear you." alhaitham teased, putting a hand behind his ear to hear louder. "you heard what i said. you're not dumb." the blonde glared. the gray haired paused, changing the radio songs. he clicked on the bluetooth option and played bass booted songs, "call me when you've changed. right now we can only be friends." then drove off.

kaveh scoffed watching him drive away. only smirking to fall in love with the guy again at his bitchiness. kaveh pulled his phone out his pockets looking at all the missed calls from alhaitham.

and suddenly now kaveh wants him back when alhaitham is in his over it phase? these two both knew they had issues. alhaitham laid in his bed, all he could think about was kaveh when he had just gotten over him. are you serious right now? he thought. everything was coming back to him. but it wasn't like he wasn't gonna date him again.

then his phone rang and vibrated. just one look at his phone and he looked away. he remembered that number too well. he put his phone on silent and turned off the vibration then went to sleep.

when he woke up everything felt so weird and he was dizzy. he had headaches too. he checked his phone to see the time but the notifications caught his eye. not only did he call him the whole night but texted how he wanted him back. "what a weirdo." alhaitham scoffed.

78 missed calls and very long essay written very badly on text. as alhaitham was about to go read it, there was one last text. showing where he wants to meet him and a small note. as if he is gonna, he just read the messages and left the guy on read.

alhaitham turned off his phone and stayed in his bed for awhile with crossed arms. only to find him seconds later getting dressed to go to that place. remembering that the message ended with a location and a small note saying, "come while my girlfriend's not here."

he groaned at how stupid he is for doing this but something inside him feels like it's controlling him. he took everything he needed and then followed that location.

another groan came at his mouth then a sigh. his hand about to knock on the door. he was hesitant about it first but then he rolled his eyes and knocked. just seconds after, the door flew open.

"well didn't expect you to actually come."

white robe on, his hair soaking wet and the tie keeping the robe from exposing his entire body completely loose. "don't expect much from me and what do you want?" kaveh just gestured his hand to come inside and closed the door behind alhaitham.

the gray haired looking around the place. it was neat and decent for two to live in. alhaitham didn't even want to take a seat on the couch waiting for all this to hurry up. "i really missed you haitham."

his hands made their way wrapping around haitham's waist like easy slippery butter. their bodies connecting together like a puzzle. alhaitham could just glare upon him and budge his way out, "what do you want kaveh?"

the blonde made a psst sound at alhaitham's question. a hand slipping through haitham's neck then to grip at his hair pulling him into a kiss. he could only feel the blonde's smile against his lips.

kaveh then broke the kiss licking his lips. "are you done now? what's next, fuck me?" it was as if alhaitham is giving himself for kaveh to use completely till they say their final goodbyes.

"if you're asking for it then sure."

"go fuck yourself."

groans came out of the gray haired's mouth as he pushed him away. "haitham listen, i realized how bad ive hurt you and i want to restart," kaveh chased after alhaitham grabbing him by the hips to pull him close, "you think im gonna fall for this?" shoving and trying to push the blonde's hands away.

"this isn't an act."

"i think it is."

alhaitham shoved kaveh by a push on his chest. "what do you fucking want from me?!" he yelled as he stopped right in front of the door. "let's be sex partners."

alhaitham's eyes widen and his brows furrowed at kaveh's words. "are you being ridiculous right now? what else, do you want my money to pay off your debt?" his arms crossed, "you—! don't mention my debt!"

"you just miss my body don't you?" the blonde only stayed quiet at that question. "make up your fucking mind kaveh." it was just seconds then till alhaitham wrapped his arms around kaveh's neck and their lips crashed together.

the blonde's arms wrapping around alhaitham's waist as he closed his eyes and deepened the kiss. their lips clashing against each other. alhaitham didn't put much energy into kissing and wanted to get this over with.

until alhaitham broke the kiss. the string of saliva connecting their lips, lips slightly swollen. "i dont want to do this." brows furrowing, "but apart of me wants to rips your guts out and do this." kaveh chuckled, "is this the haitham i know?" he dragged alhaitham onto the couch.

alhaitham didn't know anymore. he was having mixed feelings and didn't know if kaveh was just playing with him. but maybe he'll just stay with him for awhile just to make himself feel good.

he didn't understand their relationship at the moment. he didn't know if it was actually being sex buddies or friends with benefits.

kaveh still dated the girl he's been with since they had contact. while instead of giving her roses and flowers he gave alhaitham roses and flowers. it didn't mean much to him but he took it as an apology and kaveh's gotten softer with him overtime.

it felt like kaveh was giving him miced feelings aswell. there's no way that he could be a cheating bitch and change into a heartwarming person. kaveh's not gonna fool him, this time he's the one getting fooled.

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