chapter 3

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"hm, seems like you guys had your fun" alhaitham said the moment the two came out of the door. "hm, seems like you were curious in our fun." kaveh crossed his arms. the guy behind kaveh tried to hide himself from embarrassment, "for your information, i wasn't curious in it and you were basically fucking so loud i could hear it across my room. you practically ruined my reading time." the gray haired closed his book and glared at kaveh.

the blond rolled his eyes. he wrapped his hands around the person behind him, "ill drop you off your car" he whispered. alhaitham watched the two walk out the door then shut. the blond took one of the keys and shut the door. alhaitham groaned just when the door was shut. he should've said no, no matter how that little girl begged.


kaveh walked with the guy side by side. "you know, before we say bye.. wanna grab a drink? it's still early.." he blushed. kaveh's attention went to the person besides him. "yeah sure. sorry about my roommate by the way." kaveh plastered a smile on his face.

they both got their drinks and sat down talking for a little bit. the blond walked him back to the apartment complex then to his car. "alright, bye" kaveh waved. "bye, see you around" he waved back. kaveh closed the guy's door and waved one last goodbye then walked away. he walked slowly and watched the car drove off.

he groaned. as the car was out of sight, kaveh immediately ran to 'his apartment.' he opened the door and saw alhaitham were he still was. "welcome back" the gray haired closed his book and placed it on the coffee table. kaveh ignored alhaitham and walked to his room. "where you going?" the blond stopped and looked at alhaitham,

"my room"

"no, come back i have another rule i want to set."

kaveh rolled his eyes, "if this is about me fucking someone else other than you just admit it" he turned around and walked back to the couch and flopped himself on it. "no, this is about you fucking someone in my house. you know, if you wanted to fuck someone you could've done it somewhere else and not here?" alhaitham crossed his arms and stared at kaveh. "well he lives with his parents so we can't do that there and we could've done it out in public but he didn't wanna risk getting caught so the only option was here. enough for you?"

kaveh stood up and walked over to his room without even listening to a word that came out of alhaitham's mouth. "gods that asshole!" haitham grew in anger from kaveh. he was getting on his nerves. his fists were basically clenched. alhaitham had no time to waste his anger on some bitch and just went in his room.


Alhaitham was in the kitchen island. sitting on a stool and reading another book he bought. alhaitham might've been broke by now. he felt himself dehyrated. he put the book down and went to grab a glass of water.
haitham took a glass and pushed it in the water dispenser. then started drinking the glass on the way back. he picked up his book and started reading. another hand picking up the glass of water to drink.

"ngh!! kaveh..!"

a spit of water wet his book from being caught off gaurd. "shit.." haitham sulked at his now ruined and wet book and angered at kaveh beyond the walls.

he sighed. his book was ruined and now devastated about it. alhaitham spent a lot of mora on it and he's blaming kaveh for the damage. alhaitham waited till the two were done.

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