Beach House

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We arrived at Charles' beach house, it was small, but very modern and beautiful, was empty, we searched almost every room, until we reached the master bedroom, which was perfectly clean and tidy, much more than the rest of the House.

I lay down on the bed and George looked at me completely confused.

"We can't do it here."

I was going to say something but I lost myself laughing about it.

"No, of course not, I'm just trying to understand. I think it was in this room, the victim should be lying on the bed, if someone comes through that door, and sees her here, they can try to get into a physical fight, or shoot...."

My brain was trying to figure it out, putting the puzzle together, but it didn't make much sense. I got up from the bed and turned to the bedside table that was next to me, my eyes lit up when I saw the bullet mark right next to the furniture, there was a projectile still there, it must have gone unnoticed.

"George, come see this."

"The shootings could have taken place here."

When he saw it, with wide eyes, he already pulled out his cell phone and called the forensic team to come there to analyze that bullet and look for the incidence of blood in that room.

They arrived quickly, and confirming my suspicions there was blood in that room, it had been cleaned, but it was there, and the drips continued out of the room and out of the house.

"We need a warrant for Charles' cars."

George said staring at me.

"And Howard's."

I completed it.

"I'm going to call a judge I know, but probably the warrant won't get out until tomorrow."

"I want to research more about her life, maybe we'll find some more clues."

We went back to the police station, and on the way we had lunch, I spent the afternoon researching Jane's life, without finding anything else. Until Grasser called us into his office.

"How's the case?"

Grasser asked as he set down the papers he was reading.

"Nina noted that the stab wounds were concentrated in one spot and John found a shrapnel in that area, so we're working on the possibility that she was shot and the killer took out the bullet and stabbed."

"The injuries are before and after death, that is, she was stabbed while she was still alive and after she was dead. We found out that she was the Vice Mayor's lover and we interrogated him today, he says he saw her on Saturday at the beach house, and his security got her out of there Sunday."

"We went to talk to both of them, and we went to Charles' beach house, Nina found a projectile stuck in the wall and the forensics already removed it and took it for analysis, at the house they found blood and tracks, we asked for a warrant for Charles' cars and Howard, we are waiting now."

Grasser nodded in approval, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Fine, the case is going very well, stake out tonight, keep an eye on Charles and Howard, it was probably one of them, and we don't want to miss anything."

George and I nodded in agreement.

We had to wait for the warrant, we had already spent the afternoon waiting and still nothing, and luckily Howard was doing security for Charles, so we were on the lookout in just one place, George got hamburgers for our dinner, it was getting late and we would spend the night there on guard duty, we ate and talked a lot, I was starting to get sleepy already and I let out a long yawn.

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