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After a month, the award ceremony for the Medals of Honor arrived. The entire station was in formal police attire. Sara was helping me with the makeup.

"You are nervous?"

Sara asked me as she rubbed blush on my cheeks.

"A little... I don't feel worthy of it, I was just kidnapped and beaten, the investigation was yours."

"Hey, none of that. You risked your life to arrest a Serial Killer who would still kill a lot of women if it weren't for you. We did the investigation, but you were the only one at risk, and you still suffer the consequences of that. We used our brain for the investigation, you used your life."

Sara's words were like a blanket and hot chocolate on a cold day, they soothed and reassured me, made me feel like I really deserved it and made me feel even more grateful to have her as my friend.

"Are the ladies ready?"

George came in completely handsome in his ceremony uniform, the outfits were the same, navy blue pants and blazers with a white shirt, and the tie and cap were also in navy blue, but in him, everything was more beautiful, he had a special charm and it had an uncontrollable effect on me, I lost consciousness.

"Almost, I'll finish getting ready."

Sara said leaving our room and going to the community center to get her things.

"You look really hot in that outfit."

I said placing my hands on his chest, but I forgot that I was still using crutches and my step on the broken leg was a misstep, and I would have sprawled on the floor if it wasn't for George pulling me by the waist, making my body tighten against him.

*sexual content*

Exactly like on my first day, but this time we weren't interrupted, I found myself staring at him, George very slowly brought his lips to mine, I kissed him, carried away by the moment, in the same movement that I tugged at his perfectly arranged tie, I felt his volume increase and so does my excitement. The fact that it was forbidden and that I was in the work environment with anyone being able to enter at any time, made me even more excited.

The passionate kiss extended, at a given moment he pulled away, his lips were smeared with my lipstick, the panting breath and the look full of desire made me love this man even more, he continued kissing my neck and with one of his hands unbuckled my pants belt. I pulled on his shirt, loosened the buttons and admired his bare chest. He took my pants off and sat me down on the table while he kissed me again. With one hand he held my neck and with the other he pushed my panties away and introduced a finger into my sex that was completely wet, making me moan with pleasure, I wanted that man inside me and I wanted it now. I ran my hand over his pants, squeezing his member that was completely rigid, he closed his eyes slightly in pleasure, but before we continued, I heard footsteps and noise coming towards us, in one movement we moved away, I got off the table and I put the pants back on.

The door suddenly opened and it was Sara.

"You two, get ready, the ceremony is about to begin."

I think she figured we were just kissing, and I'll let her keep thinking that, I fixed George's shirt and tie again and Sara touched up my lipstick.

George took me by the arm and helped me with the crutches. Sara walked us to the auditorium, which to my surprise was very crowded.

In addition to practically all the chairs being occupied by officers, there was a lot of press following everything, a chill went up my spine, I felt my stomach tighten and I instinctively squeezed George's arm with my hands.

"Hey, are you nervous?"

He asked me looking deep into my eyes.

"A little."

"Don't worry, my love, everything will be fine, you deserve it all. And if you feel calmer, there will be other honorees."

"And the makeup I did is hiding your flushed face."

Sarah said smiling.

The ceremony was very brief, but it must be said, emotional, and receiving the medal made me feel even more belonging to this place. There were other honorees and even a dog that found a large shipment of drugs at the port, 2 months ago. Just the press photographing me made me uncomfortable with it all.

After two weeks I finally took the cast off, and it was even funny to put my feet on the floor after so long, I urgently needed to get back to weight training, my legs thinned a lot in that time stopped.

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