Chapter 2

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All the boys stood in the living room, standing around or slack on couches, listening to the new freshman who Jin found. His name was Jimin or something. He had bouncy orange hair and the cutest smile.

"I love baking, I play the ukulele, and the piano, sometimes. I'm doing business because I wanna work in corporate! I'm also gay." Jimin said, smiling.

"Wow really no way." Jin said dryly. Namjoon kicked his shin, shutting him up.

"That's great, Jimin," Namjoon said, nodding. "You'd be a great addition to this frat."

"Really? I've always wanted to join one! My dad went to one. But... don't most frats have a no-gay rule or something?" Jimin asked, tentative.

"Ha!" Hoseok laughed. "We don't! We're all lowkey bisexual. Don't worry about it, bro. Some of the other frats in this college can be... discriminatory. But we don't care. I mean, fuck, we're all Asian, aren't we?" Hoseok said. Jimin looked at all of them and then giggled.

"Yeah, you are," Jimin said. The door of the frat opened, and Taehyung walked in, running a hand through his faded blue hair, cap in his hand- he wore a loose green jacket and blue jeans. Taehyung walked into the living room and then pointed at Jimin.

"You're one of the freshmen, right?" Taehyung asked. Jimin blinked. "Um. Y-yeah. I'm Jimin-"

"Jimin! My guy. I'm Taehyung. Taehyung Kim. It's nice to meet you." Taehyung said, sitting down beside him, already throwing his arm over the freshman's shoulders. Jimin looked a bit startled by this, but gave Taehyung an awkward smile.

"N-nice to meet you too. Do I... um... do I know you?" Jimin squeaked. Taehyung laughed.

"Nah. But I'm going to know you. Come, help me get water from the kitchen." Taehyung smiled, getting up. Jimin looked confused, but followed, nodding his head and walking out with the boy.

When they left, Namjoon sighed. "Tae needs to stop doing that. Poor Jimin looked so startled. Taehyung thinks he can befriend everyone. He doesn't realize how pushy he can come across-"

"Oh please." Yoongi snickered. "Just wait. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1-" The moment Yoongi's countdown ended, Jimin and Taehyung walked back into the living room. Jimin was laughing loudly, clutching his stomach.

"-and that's why you should never egg your ex's house," Taehyung said, finishing his story. Jimin giggled, looking at him.

"You're so funny." Jimin said. Taehyung ruffled the boy's orange hair. "Get ready for that. We're best friends now." Taehyung winked. Jimin smiled widely.

"Never fucking mind," Namjoon mumbled, sitting down. How can you befriend someone with such ease? It's like all he had to say were a few words to them, introduce himself, and suddenly the person was head over heels for the boy.

Though they'd met only fucking 2 minutes ago, Taehyung already had Jimin halfway across his lap, telling him another story. Jimin looked interested, eyes sparkling. Jin cleared his throat. "Taehyung. Get off my freshman."

Taehyung looked at Jin. "Your freshman?"

"Yeah, Tae. We were all supposed to get freshmen into the frat, remember? I told you, like, 3 days ago. Hoseok and Yoongi already got their members." Namjoon said.

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