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Cody looked around for his work outfit, running late and with a biscuit in between his teeth. He didn't like this job, per se, but he did like seeing the people who came daily, definitely not a particular boy though. Cody has always been straight, it's obvious. Well, his parents had their suspicions practically his whole life, but Cody knows who he likes.

As he threw on his apron after arriving at work, one of his coworkers, DJ, handed him a note.

"One of the people who is always here, conveniently at your tables, dropped this off, all red in the face," Duncan, another workmate, muttered from behind DJ. Well, it's cold outside, Cody was probably a bit red too. Because of the cold, obviously, not a different reason.

The gap toothed boy hopped onto the counter to sit as he read this letter, the writer being left anonymous, sadly. DJ said he wouldn't tell, and swore it on his mum, that's how you knew the guy was serious.

"Are you kidding?" Duncan sounded frustrated and furious, DJ and Cody looked at each other, then to the boy with green hair. "How is Pipsqueak over here, getting more dates than me at this point." Cody and DJ both giggled to this before the door rang.

The friend group of three, who Cody always took orders for, walked in and two sat, while the ginger walked to the register. She looked to the paper in the brunette's hand before smiling and ordering the same few coffees as usual.

Cody's voice and hands were shaky as he shoved the note into his pocket and typed in two black coffee's and whatever the ginger ordered today, into the register. The nameless girl smiled as she heard the trembling boy's voice, winking as she turned her head to her friends. Was she the Note Writer?

"I'm Izzy by the way, you know Noah over there, yeah?" Cody felt his cheeks and ears heat as he nodded in a hurry, Izzy smiling once again. "Nice, you're his type y'know?" He didn't think it was possible, but Cody's face heated even more, before he stuttered out her order's price.

"I need one of you guys to take my table," Cody turned to Duncan first, for some reason. He himself wasn't even quite sure why it was Duncan he always turned to for help.

"Holy shit, what news about your lover did you get, short stuff?" Duncan teased as Cody kept a straight face. "I will," Cody asked Duncan because DJ isn't necessarily the dating type, and Duncan would know why Cody couldn't do it. It's what he told himself, anyway. "I'll also get you some inside info too, little dude."

Cody grinned and ran off to the bathroom, needing to take a break to comprehend what all's happened. He's Noah's type, just Noah. Just Noah who he's been fanning over both at work and in school, no biggie. There's also a very small chance that Noah also wrote that letter. A very, very small chance, but chances are chances.

"Yo, Twinkie, if you could come out the supply closet and make the coffee's that would be great," Duncan yelled as he knocked on the door with his forefinger.


Cody closed his bedroom door behind him, throwing his shoes off, along with his scarf, and sitting on his bed. He lifted up his pillow and grabbed a pen and paper, along with his guitar off the floor. He considered writing back, but how would he give the letter to his writer? So instead, Cody decided he'd just write a song, and then when the writer confesses and admits to who they are, he'll show them the song.

He started playing a few basic chords, messing with the tuning, and so on. If the brunette knew everyone in his first block's handwriting, it'd be easier to discover this anonymous lover. All Cody can do, however, is recieve. He'll just keep on receiving these, what some would call silly, love letters until there's hints and Cody guesses right.

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