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Cody rushed into work the next morning, waiting for Noah and the strange other boy to enter. Duncan and DJ could tell something was off with the brunette, but were hesitant to say anything.

"What's up with you, short stuff?" Duncan asked, in a some what teasing matter.

"Noah's got this date with some prick and i'm worried about it," Cody replied. "What if he likes the other dude more?" Duncan scuffed.

"Easy," Duncan started. "Impress him more than that other fuck can, what's something impressive about you?" Cody shrugged.

"Nothing he doesn't already know." Then he remembered he could speak a small bit of Spanish. Looks like his class would come in use after all. "Spanish!"


Once Noah and the enemy walked in, it was war zone for Cody. The two were already giggling together and being touchy, the waiter wanted to give up already. However, if Cody could show he knew Spanish, and didn't need Noah's help, that would probably be attractive to him.

"Go get 'em, tiger," Duncan breathed into Cody's ear before shoving him.

"Hola, me llamo Cody, what can I get you to drink?" The brunette introduced, making Noah giggle. "French toast for starters, perhaps?" Cody remembered in the letter, the writer said to ask for French toast if Cody knew who he was, and he hoped it was Noah.

Like that, Noah's eyes sort of twinkled. Cody never understood when people said there was this "look" people would get, but now he understood. Cody probably did that to Noah a lot, have sparkles in his eyes.

"Yeah, yeah absolutely," Noah stuttered out. As Cody wrote down their order, he winked to Noah before walking back to Duncan whilst giggling.

"Get your man, geekster!" Duncan cheered in a whisper. "Cut that giggling shit out though, I get you're gay but no need for that shit."

"You think I have a chance though, yeah?" Cody ignored Duncan's previous comment.

"Uh, yeah, mate. Have you seen those eyes he gives you? Those were the same eyes Courtney'd give me then claim she didn't love me." That gave Cody all the confidence he needed. He wanted to kiss Noah right in front of that fuck and give him those jealous tingles he gave Cody.

Cody walked over to their table, food and drinks in hand. He wanted to do something to show his attraction to Noah, but he wasn't a quick thinker.

"Breakfast sandwich for my little moecha putida." Cody knew Noah learned Latin for fun, he saw him reading it once, so when Noah visually melted at that, he knew he knew what it meant. "And biscuits for you, sir," Cody winked once more before walking away.

"What the fuck did you call him?" Duncan asked. "I seriously have no idea what the hell you said."

"Read over the book of Latin swears before work, called him my little dirty slut," Duncan held back laughter at that. "Before you laugh, you should've seen his face, dude. I swear I almost made him cum just like that."


The next morning Cody got a letter in his mail. He supposed since it was a weekened, they couldn't wait until school Monday.

Dear Cody,

Never knew you knew Latin, too, smart boy I see. Got to be honest with you, Anderson, got me a bit hard when you called me your slut. I think you know who I am now. I have some more bits of poetry like the last letter. Did it hit your heart? I hope so.

Sometimes at night, i'll lie in the grass with one of my sisters who is big on astronomy, and imagine you're there. It's weird, if I had met you a few years ago, I would think you're an annoying fuck, because you are. But that's oddly enough what I like most about you. How you are so persistent on everything and you will not give up until you get what you want.

In moonlit skies, all the stars have reasons. I hope you and I's can involve each other.

Sincerely, N

Cody normally hated poetry, but there was something about Noah's that he couldn't shake. He wasn't no Shakespear, he knew that, but he really liked what, who now knew was Noah, wrote.

The brunette sat on his bed with an empty notebook. He decided he was going to try to write a song for Noah, now that he knew it was him. Only issue was, his only other friends who worked in the music industry all left him. Trent was too focused on Gwen, Harold wanted to marry LeShawna, and Justin was in Cody's shoes- pining over a boy who was out of his league. He'd write a song with Justin, if the two liked each other.

He figured he'd just write a shitty letter back, ask one of the professors Noah's locker, and boom.

well thats who i hope you are atleast. sort of got the impression it was you from your stuttering when i did as you said in the letters, and how you went all red when i called you a name. ignore my lack of writing skills- if oppisites attract i guess youre the grammer and book nerd while im the music geek.

i tried writing a song for you twice now. i sort of wish i had the ability to think of cool ways to say im in love but, the only bit i got is "all's fair in love and war, listening to your heart and mislead you," and i dont think i want that in a song for you. lyrical genius, i know, but thats more of a break up song lyric- you feel me?

is it weird that ive had a few wet dreams about you? probably, though if you said the same thing about me id be more than happy to be your genie in a bottle and make those true.

please ignore any misspellings, amour, i never payed too much attention in year 2.

forever and always, love, cody :)

Sincerely, HisWhere stories live. Discover now