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Caution warning: A lot of internalised homophobia this chapter

Cody spent his last bit of pocket money at a paintball arena, part of him wishing he was there with Noah. But at the same time, Cody's dad screwing him over probably wasn't the worse thing to happen. In fact, it probably did him good.

Noah and Cody are the textbook definition of opposites. One was a nerd, the other could barely spell his own name. One "wasn't ready for anything serious", while the other loved like a dog does.

Realistically speaking, Noah probably was not even letting Cody cross his mind, the brunette thought while driving to his mate Trent's house. While on the other hand Noah could not leave this lovesick puppy's mind.

When Trent opened the door, part of Cody, in a sense, opened as well. Like a part of him had been sealed up after they became more distant, and it got ripped back open when he locked eyes with the other man.

Cody wanted to tell Trent everything and nothing, he wanted to just let it all ooze out but another part of him felt the need to tell no one.

"Hey man," Cody started. He had that familiar lump in his throat that he got often.

"Yo, are you good, man, you never come over unless somethings buggin' you?" Trent asked. Slowly, Cody saw Gwen walking up behind Trent, putting her two pale arms around her fiancé's waist. The couple only told real close friends about their engagement, them still having a few weeks of school left and all.

"Can I come in, if you don't mind?" Trent nodded as Cody talked, because Trent and Cody have always sort of been friends, or at the minimum mutuals.

Walking into the lounge, Trent and Gwen sat in the love seat together, leaving Cody the whole sofa to himself. "What's up, Codester?" The female voice asked.

"Me and this.. girl," Cody hesitated. "We've been kind of, weird, catch my drift?" The two nodded slowly. "So it started with him writing me these love letters and leaving them anonymous." Neither of the two across from the brunette mentioned his slip up, because the hesitation spoke for itself.

"Then, hints were getting left and I got super jealous so I did the little secret message.. she.. told me to do if I thought I knew who she was." Cody couldn't stand filtering himself like this, it wasn't like the two would despise him for being.. whatever he is, because they're both bisexual, but something about Cody himself couldn't accept the fact that now that he says their love story aloud, Noah isn't a girl. They aren't normal. They aren't Gwendolyn and Trenton Cooper. They're Noah and Cody.

"I'm sorry, major story change I just can't lie," Cody spoke. "I'm not with a girl, he's a guy, and it's Noah," the couple exchanged a look. "Sterecra, from school, you goofs!" Cody teased, thinking they didn't know him.

"Yeah, no, we know Noah. Gwen here just made me bet years ago that you were going to turn out gay," but he's not, Cody thought.

"I'm not," Cody blankly corrected.

"Well, y'know, with a dude," Cody isn't gay. He gave Noah this one exception, and that's what made their.. thing so special. The two both mentally agreed that they didn't have to worry about Cody getting with another guy, because he didn't like guys. He likes Noah and that was the only guy.

A/N- I am so so sorry that i cut this chapter so short and took so long to post it. I've been busy re-writing Quicker Apologies to be better and to post on Ao3, but I promise to try to post more frequently

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